「很忙錄」10 種英文說法!除了 I’m busy 還可以用什麼?

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Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來看很忙碌的其他英文說法~

現代人工作繁忙,時常會把 I’m busy 掛在嘴邊,但除了用這個小學生都會的句子來表示「我很忙」,英文中還有很多其他更生動及道地的說法,以下選了十種說法,趕快來一起學習吧!


1. I’ve got a lot to do. /  I’ve got so much to do.


A: Do you want to join us for dinner?
A: 你想要跟我們一起去吃晚餐嗎?

B: Nah. I’ve got a lot to do.
B: 不了,我還有很多事情要做。

I’ve got so much to do this week, so don’t call me.

2. I’m tied up.

tie 有「綑綁、束縛」的意思,所以 be tied up 的意象就是從身體被綁住,延伸為被事情綁住而無法抽出身來,進而用來表示很忙碌。

用法上可以說 be tied up with/in something,例如:

A: We’re going to the movies tonight. Would you like to come?
A: 我們今晚要去看電影,你要一起來嗎?

B: No. I’m tied up with a project. I need to hand it in tomorrow.
B: 不了,我還在忙一份專案,明天就要交了。

Mandy is tied up in a meeting now. Maybe you can call her in the afternoon.
Mandy 正在開會無法抽身,或許你可以下午再打給她。

We can meet only on Saturday as I’ll be tied up on all the other days next week.

3. I’m overwhelmed.

動詞 overwhelm 有「壓倒、淹沒」之意,所以 I’m overwhelmed. 就是指「我忙到快被壓垮了」,帶有一種被大量事情壓著,使得自己忙到身心俱疲。

用法上可以說 be overwhelmed by something

I’m so overwhelmed by lots of assignments.

I’m overwhelmed! I really need a holiday!

4. I’m slammed.

動詞 slam 本來的意思是大力關上門,會發出砰一聲的那個動作,不過 I’m slammed. 是指非常忙碌,有很多事情要做而脫不了身,也帶有點 overwhelmed 被壓著的感覺,是個很口語的說法。

用法上可以說 be slammed with something

I’m totally slammed with work and have no time for a rest.

Could you help me print out the documents? I’m really slammed now.

I would like to join the lunch meeting, but I’m completely slammed at the moment.

5. I’m swamped.

swamp 當名詞時是「沼澤」的意思,當動詞則有「淹沒、應接不暇」之意,所以用 I’m swamped. 就有種「陷入沼澤而難以出來、事情多到應接不暇」的意思。

用法上可以說 be swamped with something

I’m totally swamped with work. I don’t even have time for lunch.

No more work, please. I’m completely swamped.

Shh! I’m swamped right now.

6. My schedule is full. / I have a full schedule.

schedule 指的是行程表或排程,整句話在字面上的意思會是「我的行程滿檔」,以間接來表示忙碌。句中的 full(滿的)還可以代換為 tight(緊湊的)或 hectic(繁忙的)。


A: When do you want to go camping?
A: 你想什麼時候去露營啊?

B: My schedule is so full in September. Maybe we can go in October.
B: 我九月的行程很滿,或許我們可以十月去。

I would love to have dinner with you, but I have a hectic schedule this week.

7. I have my hands full. / I’ve got my hands full.


用法上可以說 have one’s hands full with something 或 have one’s hands full + V-ing

Can I talk to you later? I’ve got my hands full right now.

Claudia has her hands full with her three little kids and housework.
Claudia 因為照顧她三個年幼的孩子還有家務事而忙得不可開交。

I really want to join the book club, but I have my hands full organizing the upcoming event.

8. My plate is full. / I have a lot on my plate. / I’ve got a lot on my plate.


I would like to help you with this project, but my plate is full.

Evonne has got a lot on her plate with her newborn twins.
Evonne 因為剛出生的雙胞胎而忙到翻。

A: Can you finish this report by tomorrow?
A: 你明天之前可以完成這份報告嗎?

B: I’m afraid not. I have a lot on my plate.
B: 恐怕不行,我手中已經有很多事情要做。

9. I’m up to my neck/ears/eyes/eyeballs.

這句話字面上的涵義是「我手上的工作已經滿到脖子/耳朵/眼睛/眼球了」,以此意象來表示忙翻了,後面通常會搭配 neck/ears/eyes/eyeballs 這些身體部位,至於要用哪個部位則可以由說話者依照工作量去選擇囉。

用法上可以說 be up to one’s neck in something

Could you get a coffee for me? I’m up to my ears in work.

I was up to my neck in work because several of my colleagues were sick.

Paula is up to her eyeballs in homework at the moment.
Paula 正為做家庭作業而忙得團團轉。

10. I’m as busy as a bee/beaver.

從字面上來看就是在說「我和蜜蜂/海狸一樣忙碌 」,大家應該都知道嗡嗡嗡的蜜蜂 🐝 很勤勞地在採蜜與築巢,而素有大自然工程師之稱的海狸 🦫 也是很勤奮的動物,牠們常常用門牙啃木頭來築巢,所以這裡可以藉由這兩種動物來表示人工作勤奮、忙到不可開交

用法上跟 busy 本身的一樣會搭配動名詞,也就是這樣:be busy as a bee/beaver + V-ing

A: Hey, how have you been recently?
A: 嘿,你最近怎麼樣啊?

B: I’ve got three part-time jobs, so I’m as busy as a bee.
B: 我找了三份兼職工作,所以有夠忙的啊。

I’m as busy as a beaver today. May I call you back tomorrow?

Richard has been busy as a beaver working on his thesis.
Richard 因為寫論文而忙到不可開交。

That’s All for Today


  • I’ve got a lot to do.
  • I’m tied up.
  • I’m overwhelmed.
  • I’m slammed.
  • I’m swamped.
  • My schedule is full.
  • I have my hands full.
  • I have a lot on my plate.
  • I’m up to my neck.
  • I’m as busy as a bee.


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今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉


Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️