Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來看停產的英文~
這幾年因為新冠肺炎 🦠,很多工廠 🏭 不得已要暫時停止生產,而新產品的推陳出新也使得舊產品面臨停產的命運,那究竟停產的英文要怎麼說呢?discontinue 和 phase out 的意思一樣嗎?我們一起來看看吧!
1️⃣ discontinue
discontinue 的中文意思除了大家比較知道的「停止進行」,也能表示「停止供應」,可以視為「停產、不再生產」的意思,其實它就是否定字首 dis +continue 的組合。
Apple announced that it was discontinuing the iPod touch, which was launched in 2007.
蘋果公告他們將停止生產 iPod touch,那是在 2007 年發佈的產品。The company has announced that this type of camera will be discontinued next year.
discontinue 的名詞為 discontinuation,可以用作「停產」的名詞用法:
The discontinuation of the iPod touch made some Apple fans emotional.
iPod touch 的停產讓一些果粉感到惋惜。With the advancement in technology, the discontinuation of old devices is inevitable.
那如果要表達「停產的」,就可以用形容詞 discontinued 囉:
Among these 30 discontinued snacks, which ones have you tried before?
在這三十種停產的點心中,你曾經吃過哪些呢?The department store is having a sale on the discontinued products.
2️⃣ halt production
halt production 中文意思即為「停止生產」,其中 halt 為「中止、停止」。不過 halt production 通常指的會是因為某些原因而先暫時停產,如果問題解決了就會繼續生產,看看例句吧:
Tesla halted production at its Shanghai plant due to problems with securing parts for its electric vehicles.
特斯拉因為其電動車安全零件的問題而暫時停止了上海廠的生產。The factory had no choice but to halt production because of a shortage of materials.
那間工廠因為材料短缺而只能選擇停工。Production at this factory has been halted because of the cluster infection of Covid-19.
這間工廠因為新冠肺炎群聚感染而停工了。Peloton has planned to halt production of its main stationary bikes for two months.
此外,相似的用法還有 halt operations,可以用來表示「中止運作」,記得這裡會用複數的 operations 唷:
Toyota Motor has halted operations at all of its plants in Japan as a result of a cyberattack, but it will resume production soon.
豐田汽車由於駭客攻擊而停止了所有日本廠的運作,但公司表示他們很快就會復工。Because of the lockdown in Shenzhen, Foxconn halted operations at its factory.
而以上的用法除了 halt,還可以使用同義字詞 suspend(中止;暫停)、stop(停止)、pause(暫停)、shut down(停止運作)來代換唷~
The food company announced the suspension of production due to water pollution.
這間食品公司因為水污染而宣布暫時停產。The workers were notified that the production pause will run from March 1 to March 7.
工人們接到通知說三月一日至三月七日將會停工。The halt in production will definitely affect many companies’ revenue.
3️⃣ phase out production
phase out 指的是「逐漸淘汰、分階段停用」,可以用於很多情況,像是漸漸淘汰舊貨幣、逐步廢除舊制度、舊機器分批更新等,其中 phase 為「階段」之意,所以 phase out production 的意思為「逐步停止生產」,也就是說產品的生產會在一段時間內從減少產量到不再生產 (discontinue),多數時會用作 phase out the production of…,看看以下例句示範:
The company decided to phase out the production of its older gaming consoles.
這間公司決定要逐漸停產他們舊款的遊戲機。Many countries have set a date to phase out the production of vehicles that rely on fossil fuels.
很多國家已經訂定了一個日期要逐漸停止生產使用石油燃料的汽車。Denmark is phasing out all production of oil and gas by 2050.
丹麥將會在 2050 年之前逐漸停止所有的石油及天然氣的生產。The cinnamon-flavored candy will be phased out because most customers don’t like it.
而 phase out 的名詞型態為 phaseout 或 phase-out:
Many countries have made a nuclear phaseout plan and decided to use more green energy.
很多國家已經做出要逐步停用核能的計畫,並決定要使用更多的綠色能源。Companies are being called on to accelerate the phaseout of energy-intensive products.
如果要表示「逐步淘汰的、停產的」,就可以用形容詞 phased out 或 phased-out:
This lamp was phased out because it consumes a lot of power.
這款燈因為太耗能已經停產了。This tablet was phased out in 2020, but you may find one on Amazon Warehouse.
這款平板電腦在 2020 年就逐步停產了,但你或許可以在亞馬遜的二手倉庫找到。Customers can find hundreds of phased-out products on this website.
4️⃣ out of production
out of production 會用來表示「停產的」,通常會用作 be out of production 或 go out of production,像是這樣:
This coin is very valuable as it is out of production.
這枚硬幣價直不斐,因為它已經停產了。This old model of washing machine is scheduled to go out of production by December.
這款舊型號的洗衣機預計會在十二月前停產。It’s not possible to repair this television because the components were out of production.
That’s All for Today
嘿喲,恭喜你把文章看完了!👏 這些字詞其實還滿常運用在購物和製造業的,相信你學完停產的英文後,下次在看產業面相關的英文新聞就更看得懂啦!你也可以看看手邊有哪些物品已經停產了呢,馬上應用所學來造一個英文句子練習一下吧 🎤。
👉「加班 / 加班費」英文怎麼說?是 Overtime 嗎? 來看例句了解!
👉「工作進度」英文是 ? 如何用英文報告進度?
今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉