What’s up! 我是英文庫的 Columbus,每次想用英文表達意見的時候,你是不是像大多數的人一樣,直接以 I think、I believe 和 I feel 作為句子的開頭呢?但說實話,這些太常用了,已經變得很無趣了, 如果你可以強迫自己用其他的說法,你的英文可以毫無疑問地 Level up。
其實,想提出你的意見,你還有更有創意的選擇,今天就來看看 14 種「我覺得 / 我認為…」的英文說法,不要再哭喊靈感枯竭啦! 😎
1. If you ask me… 如果你問我的話
If you ask me, this exceeds all our expectations.
如果你問我的話,這超乎了我們的預期。If you ask me, Columbus is the most intelligent and handsome YouTuber in the world.
如果你問我的話,哥倫布是世界上最聰明又最帥的 YouTuber。(會不會太自戀😂)
2. From my point of view… 從我的角度來看
point of view 表示「觀點」。有些人會說成是 in my point of view,但切記介系詞只能用 from。
From my point of view, this is the worst decision you’ve ever made.
從我的角度來看,這是你做過最糟糕的決定。From my point of view, he is a talented and effective manager.
3. As far as I’m concerned… 對我來說
concerned 為形容詞,代表「關切的」。如果用 as far as I’m concerned 表達自身意見,態度會稍微強烈一點,就是那種不管別人怎麼想,我的想法就是 xxx 的味道。
As far as I’m concerned, marriage is not to make us happy but to make us conscious.
對我來說,婚姻不是為了讓我們感到快樂,而是為了讓我們有所覺知。As far as I’m concerned, one will lose freedom after marriage.
4. In my opinion/view… 在我看來、我認為
opinion 表示意見,in my opinion 除了用在句首之外,也可以放置於句尾。
In my opinion, the main responsibility of the media is to tell the truth.
我認為媒體的主要責任是揭露真相。Children under 12 should not use smartphones, in my opinion.
5. I am of the opinion that… 在我看來、我認為
這句可以說是 in my opinion 的進階版,升級後聽起來是不是變高貴了?不過,也因為這樣,它只適合在正式寫作上使用喔!
I am of the opinion that staying at home is much more fun than going to a nightclub.
6. I would say… 我認為
I would say 表面上看起來是「我會說…」的意思,但其實就是表示「我認為」,語氣上比較謙虛,想表現彬彬有禮的樣子一定要用這句啊!(即使用裝的也要裝好裝滿,嘻嘻)
I would say I have about a 50-50 chance of building a successful business.
我認為我大概有一半的機率能夠創業成功。I would say vanilla is the best flavor of ice cream.
7. I suppose 我認為
I suppose 雖然也是我認為,但語氣上沒有那麼肯定,比較偏向一種猜測的感覺。
I suppose you are subscribed to me right now, but I’m not sure.
我認為你現在訂閱我的頻道了吧,但我不是很確定呢…I suppose English.cool is your favorite website, but you need to tell me if it’s true.
8. It seems to me that… 對我而言
seem 是「似乎」的意思,It seems to me that 就是「對我而言」,屬於比較委婉的用法,非常適合用來理性溝通,吵架或辯論的時候都可以派上用場。
It seems to me that he is a total bastard.
對我而言,他就是一個大混蛋。It seems to me that this is the best concert I’ve been to.
9. My impression is that 我的感覺是、我的認知是
impression 就是印象或感想,可以用來表達你對某件事的感覺。
A lot of Taiwanese people want to “fix” their Taiwanese accent. But my impression is that it doesn’t sound bad.
10. The way I see it 我的看法是
說這句話的時候,記得重音要放在 I,以表達自身的看法。
The way I see it, going to college is a waste of time for most people.
11. As I see it… 在我看來
As I see it 類似剛剛的 The way I see it,表示「依我看」或「在我看來」。
As I see it, the subway is better to get around the city than the bus.
在我看來,坐地鐵在城市裡趴趴走比坐公車來的好。As I see it, Mary should get the promotion.
12. I suggest that… 我認為
suggest 本身是「建議」,這樣的用法多少帶有一點給建設性意見的味道。
I suggest that you do more exercise.
我認為你要多做一點運動。I suggest that you spend more time with your loved ones.
13. To my way of thinking… 我認為
way 表示「方式」,字面上的意思就是「我的思考方式是…」,也等同於「我認為」。
To my way of thinking, Delft is the most beautiful city in the world.
我認為台夫特是世界上最美的城市。To my way of thinking, we are working on a very important project.
14. I consider… 我認為
consider 除了有「考慮」的意思外,也經常作「認為」,以 I consider (that) 帶出後面的子句。
I consider that he is a total bastard.
我認為他是一個大混蛋。I consider that Danny will win the election.
That’s All for Today
你是不是很驚訝,原來除了 I think 之外,要表示「我認為」還有這麼多種說法呢?其實還有很多不同的表達方式沒有在這篇文章裡列出來,重點還是多多練習發揮你的創意,讓你的一口英文變得更有趣!
如果你想要觀看影片版本,請點 👉不要再說 I think!! 「我覺得、我認為」用這10個英文說法會更好!
👉「認為」英文是什麼?think? consider? regard?