唷齁~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Min 👋。Do you have any idea what we’re going to learn in this article? 今天咱們要來搞定的文法就是間接問句(indirect questions),準備好了嗎?Let’s go! 💃
Where do they live?
如果怕直接問會顯得太唐突,就可以在原本的問句前面加上 Could you tell me…?(可以跟我說……嗎?)(⚠️ Could you……是表示禮貌的開頭,跟過去式無關喔 😀 ),然後把兩句合併成這樣:
Could you tell me where they live?
間接問句的概念你應該不至於太陌生,因為中文也有類似的情形。比方說,如果你想問對方「你叫什麼名字」,也可能在前面加上「方便請教你嗎」,變成「方便請教你叫什麼名字嗎」,而英文的間接問句就是一樣的概念 😎。
當然,並不是只可以用「Could you tell me…?」,你也能視情況用以下的其他問句來開頭。
Can you tell me where they live?
Do you know where they live?
Do you have any idea where they live?
Would it be possible for you to tell me where they live?
Is there any chance that you could tell me where they live?
上面這些全部都是換句話問的方式,目的不外乎就是要請對方告訴你 where they live。
I’d like to know where they live.
I was wondering where they live.
現在你知道了吧,每當你需要表示禮貌,其實不是只有 please 能用 😉,快來模仿母語者的道地用法吧。
我們就先用上面的「Could you tell me where they live?」來看間接問句如何形成吧,你看一下,兩句合併後有什麼改變呢?
Could you tell me…?(問句 1)
+ Where do they live?(問句 2)
= Could you tell me where they live?(🌟 間接問句 🌟)
簡單來說,以 Could you tell me 的開頭為例,間接問句其實都是長這樣:
Could you tell me + 疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞?
問句 2 的 Where do you live 裡的助動詞 do 不見了。在把直接問句改成間接問句的過程中,問句 2 的助動詞有可能會需要刪除,剩下的其他部分就直接照搬就好 😎。
原本:Where does he live?
間接:Could you tell me where he lives?
你看,如果是遇到第三人稱,這時候除了要把助動詞 does 刪掉之外,也要記得把動詞 live 的 s 加回去喔,不然會無法表示第三人稱的現在簡單式嘛 😉。第三人稱的現在簡單式是需要大家多小心一點的地方。
Could you tell me + 疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 ?
動詞區是唯一可能會變化的地方。在簡單式時,過去式跟現在式的助動詞 did、do、does 都會刪掉,時態就留給剩下來的一般動詞來表示,但其他時態的助動詞(如 will、has/have、had)則都會保留,這是因為刪除的話,剩下的動詞會無法表示這些時態。
原本:What did you buy?
間接:Could you tell me what you bought?
原本:Which guy does she like?
間接:Could you tell me which guy she likes?
原本:When will you give my money back?
間接:Could you tell me when you will give my money back?
⚠️ 注意注意,助動詞保留下來的話,記得要搬回去主詞的後面喔!所以如果你說成「 Could you tell me when will you give my money back? ❌」,這樣就是錯的囉。
原本:Where will you be staying?
間接:Could you tell me where you will be staying?
原本:What has he done since last night?
間接:Could you tell me what he has done since last night?
原本:Where is she?
間接:Could you tell me where she is?
遇到像這種原本的問句只有 be 動詞,而沒有助動詞或一般動詞的情況,就更方便了,只需要調動 be 動詞的順序就好囉。
上面的例子都有 what、who、where 這類疑問詞,但你應該也看過沒有疑問詞的情況吧,例如:
Could you tell me if he will come?
可以跟我說他會不會來嗎?Could you tell me if you like our product?
可以跟我說你喜不喜歡我們的產品嗎?Could you tell me if they are angry?
可以跟我說他們是不是在生氣嗎?Could you tell me if we have passed the exam?
這時原本疑問詞的位置,全換成了 if 。這時的 if 不是「如果」喔,而是「是否」。當你原本的問句不是用疑問詞開頭,而是 be 動詞或助動詞開頭(文法書統稱為「是非問句」或「yes/no問句」),如:Do you like Korean food?」(你喜歡韓國料理嗎?),這時只需要把原本放疑問詞的位置,統一改成放 if 即可,也可以放 whether ,這兩個字都是「是否」的意思,例如:
原本:Do you like Korean food?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether you like Korean food?
就是這麼輕鬆 👌,再來看其他例子。如果你想關心「她是單身嗎」,就可以說:
原本:Is she single?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether she is single?
原本:Did he go to the interview?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether he went to the interview?
原本:Have you been to the UK?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether you have been to the UK?
原本:Has he finished the report?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether he has finished the report?
原本:Will they visit the customer this afternoon?
間接:Could you tell me if/whether they will visit the customer this afternoon?
上面學完了間接問句如何變化,剛剛我們都是用 Could you tell me…? 的開頭來練習嘛,現在就再看一下間接問句其他好用的組合,常見的有這些 👇。
- Can/Could you tell me…?
- Do you know…?
- Do you have any idea…?
- Would it be possible for you to tell me…?
- Is there any chance that you could tell me …?
- I’d like to know…
- I was wondering…
在上面最後一句 I was wondering…,有些人學過 wonder 是「想知道」、「好奇」,但別誤會囉,這個句型的意思是不一樣的,是專門用來表示禮貌,尾巴用句號即可,不需要用問號,它的意思類似中文的「請問」、「不好意思」、「可以……嗎?」。
I was wondering if I could take a picture with you.
請問可以跟你合照嗎?I was wondering if you could sign your autograph on my T-shirt.
請問可以在我的上衣簽名嗎?I was wondering if you could take me home.
請問可以帶我回家嗎 😍?(被拖走)
Can/Could you tell me what happened this morning?
可以跟我說今早發生什麼事了嗎?Do you have any idea how much she spends on clothes every month?
你知道她每個月花多少錢買衣服嗎 💳?Is there any chance that you could tell me if he likes me?
可以跟我說他喜不喜歡我嗎 😘?Would it be possible for you to tell me why she quit her job?
可以告訴我為什麼她會辭職嗎?I’d like to know if she is in the office.
請問她在公司嗎?I was wondering if you are free tonight.
Tell me why she won’t come tomorrow.
跟我說她明天為什麼不會來。I don’t know if you really want to go.
雖然這種情況並非用來表示禮貌的問句,但在台灣,通常也會一併列在間接問句的文法講解,後面的變化都是一樣的。所以,如果你想要,其實也可以一次學起來唷,這樣比較方便 😎。
Tell me why Dad is upset.
跟我說老爸為什麼心情不好。I don’t know where the foreigner is from.
我不知道那個歪果仁是哪國人。They asked me if he is going to stay.
他們問我他會不會留下。You can ask Mom how much money she will need.
And… we’re finished!
喔耶!看完了,你好棒噢 🎉!現在你知道了吧?間接問句一點都不複雜,就是類似換句話問,語氣比較沒那麼直接,是用來表示委婉的禮貌句型而已,比較需要注意的地方就是動詞區的變化要小心。
還有什麼英文的問題嗎?快去英文庫 🆒 其他地方逛逛找答案吧!