「lack of」正確用法是?跟 lack 一樣嗎?來看例句搞懂!

You are currently viewing 「lack of」正確用法是?跟 lack 一樣嗎?來看例句搞懂!

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天來看看 lack of 的用法吧~

記得以前在批改學生的英文句子時,lack 出錯的次數絕對是榜上有名,他們都知道 lack 的意思是「缺乏、缺少」,但卻常常搞不清楚 lack 是動詞還是名詞,還有什麼時候才要加上 of,不知道你有類似的困擾嗎 😫?今天就一起來學習 lack 和 lack of 的正確用法吧!

首先,來簡單測試一下你對 lack 的了解吧,試試看你是否能判斷這三句話的對錯呢 🤔:

We lack good ideas. ❓
We lack of good ideas. ❓
We are lack of good ideas. ❓

想好了嗎?來公佈答案囉 💡:

We lack good ideas. ⭕️
We lack of good ideas. ❌
We are lack of good ideas. ❌

快速說明一下,第二句這種錯誤是最多人會犯的,重點就是 lack 當動詞時後面直接加上名詞即可,不用加上 of 唷。而 lack 作為名詞的用法則可以把句子改成:

We have a lack of good ideas. ⭕️

那麼,接著就來仔細說明 lack of 和 lack 的用法吧 👇👇👇


1️⃣ lack of + 名詞

首先,記得 lack 當作名詞時會和 of 形影不離唷!再來,lack 可以當可數或不可數名詞來用,除非是放在句首,不然當可數名詞的用法會稍微常見一點,看例句吧:

Many factories had to halt production because of a lack of manpower.

I was shocked by his total lack of interest in this issue.

His behavior showed a lack of common sense.

Lack of sleep can lead to many health issues.

There is a complete lack of empathy in this guy in the White House right now.

此外,片語 there is no lack of… 看起來字面上是在表示「不缺乏…」,但其實它實際的意思還帶有「有很多…」之意,後面搭配可數或不可數名詞皆可:

There is no lack of applicants for this job.

There is no lack of food in this area.

2️⃣ lack + 名詞

lack 也可以當動詞,這時候後面會直接加上所缺乏的事物,就跟它的反義字 have 一樣,你會說 I have money 同樣用法就會說 I lack money 啦。另一方面,還是跟 have 相同,lack 表示缺乏的東西可以是具體或抽象的。


⚠️ 再次提醒 lack 當動詞時後面不要加 of!

The house lacks basic furniture items such as a bed and a closet.

Everything about Heidi is good, but she lacks practical experience.
Heide 什麼都很好,但就是缺乏實務經驗。

This article lacks logic and coherence, so don’t waste time reading it.

The United States is a republic, but the people in its capital lack representation.

3️⃣ be lacking in + 名詞

lack 加上 ing 後,lacking 就成了形容詞,表示「缺乏的、缺少的」,用法 be lacking in… 一樣可以表達「缺乏…」,通常會是講缺乏某種特質或特性,這裡留意一下介系詞是 in 不是 of 唷!

The story is lacking in originality.

The boy is lacking in courage to admit his mistake.

The employee is lacking in passion for her job.

But some of the most intelligent otters I’ve ever known were completely lacking in common sense.

小試身手 ✏️


① The man seemed to ______ sympathy. He just walked by the dying dog.

The man seemed to lack / have a lack of / be lacking in sympathy. He just walked by the dying dog.

➡️ seemed to 後面要加原形動詞,那因為 sympathy 是特質,所以這裡可以搭配 be lacking in

② Nancy ______ confidence when speaking English.

Nancy lacks / has a lack of / is lacking in confidence when speaking English.
Nancy 說英文時缺乏自信心。

➡️ confidence 也是一種特質,所以這裡可以搭配 is lacking in

③ Due to ______ rain, the plants were getting withered.

Due to (a/the) lack of rain, the plants were getting withered.

➡️ Due to 的 to 是介系詞,所以後面要放名詞,那這裡可以直接用 lack of 或 a lack of,如果有特定指某次缺乏降雨,也可以用 the lack of

That’s All for Today

看完這篇文章後,相信你對於 lack 和 lack of 的用法應該就不再會傻傻分不清楚了,其實不難對吧!再來快速複習一下重點 📝 :lack 當動詞時後面不要加 of,當名詞時會和 of 形影不離,而形容詞的 lacking 要搭配 in!另外也建議你可以練習把句子朗讀出來以加深印象,如果觀念忘記了也歡迎隨時回來複習唷!🤗

👉「kinda」的意思是?跟「 kind of」差在哪?(含例句)
👉「instead」和 「instead of」正確用法是?差在哪?
👉 Apply 的正確用法是?要接 for 還是 to?

今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉


Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️