Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,英文裡的「最後」或「最終」有不少說法,通常你應該會馬上聯想到 finally,但其實除了它之外,還有很多不同的說法,而且英文裡的最後和中文的最後不甚相同,不是每個字都能一模模一樣樣,能用在同樣的情境。(有時候還是別把英文想得太美好,哈哈!)
1. lastly
在應用 lastly 時,後面會加一個逗號,稍微停頓一下再接繼,因為它一般後面會接上最後要說的某件事,或是一連串事項或列表的最後一個項目。
Lastly, I would like to thank my best friends for all their support.
最後,我要感謝我最好朋友們的支持。To start with, I drank a cup of tea. Then I started my computer. Lastly, I checked my emails.
2. finally
finally 會用來指稱某件經過一段長時間後發生的事,而且通常是在某些困難之後,多給人一種「呼,終於!」的感覺,一般會放在主詞和主要動詞之間。
I finally finished the project after so much work.
我終於在忙完一堆工作之後,完成了這個計畫。The bus finally arrived at 10 p.m.
也可以把 finally 放在句子開頭,後面接最後要說的某件事,或是表達一連串事項、討論或列表的最後一個項目,與 lastly 相似。
Finally, I’d like to thank you all for being here today.
= Lastly, I’d like to thank you all for being here today.We need to buy eggs, flour, honey and finally, some milk.
3. ultimately
ultimately 是指經過一連串的事情之後的「最後」或「最終」,它可以放在句中或句首,記得放在句首的時候,後面要加上逗號喔!
Ultimately, we decided to buy the smaller house by the sea.
最終,我們決定要買海邊那棟比較小的房子。The couple ultimately decided to get married abroad.
4. in the end
in the end 描述一個經歷冗長過程、諸多問題或各種討論、修改或分析後的結果或結論。
In the end, he won the presidential election.
最後,他贏得這場總統選舉。At first, we couldn’t decide where to go, but in the end, we decided to visit Croatia.
起初,我們無法決定要去哪裡,但最後我們決定要造訪克羅埃西亞。He isn’t a smart student, but he passed the exam in the end.
補充一點,有不少英文學習者常會將 in the end 和 at the end 搞混,雖然 at the end 看似一樣是最後的意思,但其實它後面通常會以 of 接某個事物或時間點,形成 at the end (of sth.),表示具體的地點、方位或時間點的末端。
We are going to travel to the Netherlands at the end of this year.
我們要在今年年底到荷蘭旅行。The hotel at the end of the street is the most luxurious hotel in London.
5. eventually
eventually 可以表達事情經過一個過程或階段,慢慢發展到一個最後的結果,也有可能是推測一個到最終可能發生的狀況。
He hesitated for a long time, but eventually he overcame his fear and did it.
他前面猶豫了很久,但最終他戰勝恐懼並成功做到了。If you eat too much, you’ll eventually get fat.
如果你吃太多的話,最後會變胖的。It might take a lot of time and effort, but you’ll succeed eventually.
That’s All for Today
今天介紹了幾種「最後」的英文說法,你是不是都學會了呢?在英文當中,有句和最後有關的名言我非常喜歡,全句是 “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we are afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. “,大意是指「最終讓人後悔的,總是那些未曾冒的險、不敢愛的人、與等待了太久的決定。」
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