Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,想用英文表達「此外」或「而且」,有非常多個用字,也有各種不同的說法,但你最容易脫口而出的可能就那幾個字,像是 and 和 also,說來說去其實也了無新意,差不多要膩了。
今天要特別提到一個字是 moreover,來看看它的正確用法,讓你的寫作更加大放異彩吧!😉
moreover 的用法和例句
moreover 是副詞,意思是「而且,再者,此外」,用來引導出一段補充和支持前面提到的論述的資訊,也能進一步強調重要性,用法和意思近似 furthermore、in addition 等等,不過相較於它們,moreover 算是很正式的字。
Exercise will help you lose weight. Moreover, it is good for your health.
運動會幫助你減重,此外,對你的健康是好的。Smoking is a bad habit. Moreover, it’s quite expensive.
抽菸是一種壞習慣,再者,它還很花錢。The blog post was badly written. Moreover, it was too short.
這篇部落格文章寫的很爛,而且也寫得太短了。Fast fashion hurts the planet through pollution. Moreover, it violates animal rights.
快時尚造成的汙染傷害我們的星球,而且違背了動物的生存權利。The driver was greatly exceeding the speed limit; moreover, she was drunk.
在標點符號上,moreover 後皆需加上一個逗號作為短暫停頓,但除了作為一句話的開頭,也可以使用逗號連接 and 加上 moreover,或是以分號在 moreover 前隔開,補充後面的說明。
Drinking makes you gain weight. Moreover, it is harmful to your health.
= Drinking makes you gain weight, and moreover, it is harmful to your health.
= Drinking makes you gain weight; moreover, it is harmful to your health.
That’s All for Today
雖然 moreover 和很多字看起來很相似,但每個字還是有不同正式程度的區分,建議先把基礎打穩,再一步步深入學習即可,不要給自己太大的壓力啦!
想看更多 moreover 的相關主題,可以參考以下文章:
👉「除此之外、此外」英文怎麼說?furthermore? in addition?
👉「另外…」英文怎麼說? Also? Additionally?