【疏忽英文】neglect、omit、ignore 差在哪?怎麼用?

You are currently viewing 【疏忽英文】neglect、omit、ignore 差在哪?怎麼用?

嗨~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Jessie 👋。今天想跟大家分享關於疏忽的三個英文字——neglectignore、omit

只要是人難免都會有疏忽和犯錯的時候,如果因為工作太忙而沒照顧好你的寵物,這種疏忽你知道要用哪一個英文字表示嗎?🤔 雖然 neglectignore、omit 的中文翻譯都跟疏忽有關,但其實使用情境和用法都是不一樣的。今天就讓我們一起來了解這三個字的差異以及用法吧~Let’s begin!



neglect 可以當動詞,也能當名詞,但中文翻譯都是「疏忽、忽視、疏於照顧」,通常是指因為疏於關心和注意而沒做好某件事,例如忙著照顧小孩而疏於整理花園,或是政府官員疏於職守等等。接下來一起來看 neglect 的用法和例句吧!

🔎 neglect + 受詞

neglect 當動詞時是及物動詞,所以後面最常接它的跟屁蟲受詞,受詞可以是人或事物,下面例句畫底線的部分就是受詞喔!(如果想更了解及物、不及物動詞,可以參考:「及物動詞」與「不及物動詞」是什麼?有哪些?

Daniel has neglected his studies ever since he has gotten a new girlfriend.
Daniel 自從交新女友後就荒廢了他的學業。

Amy neglected her kid because she spent most of her time working.
Amy 大部分的時間都用來工作,因而疏於照顧她的小孩。

The owner badly neglected the villa, so it looks like a haunted house.

🔎 neglect + to V

neglect 後面也可以加不定詞 to V,表示疏忽而忘記做某件事。這個用法比較正式,所以通常會用在正式的文件或場合。

The bank clerk neglected to check the new loan regulations.

I neglected to inform Ms. Chang of the venue for the conference.

The police officer asked Louis why he neglected to pay before he left the restaurant.
警察問 Louis 為什麼他離開餐廳前忘了付錢。

🔎 neglect 當名詞的用法

neglect 當名詞時,是不可數名詞,所以沒有複數型。接著來看看當名詞時的常見搭配詞和用法吧!

The single father was accused of neglect, and his child may be taken away.

The temple turned into a ruin after centuries of neglect.

The students are unhappy with the school’s neglect of the swimming pool.


omit 中文大多翻為「疏忽、遺漏、排除」,是指不小心漏掉或是故意排除某個東西或人。這個字比較常用於描述書籍、文章或文件的內容有遺漏,而且這個字詞比較正式,所以口語上較不常用到。接著來了解 omit 的用法和例句吧!

🔎 omit + 受詞

omit 只能當動詞,但跟 neglect 一樣是及物動詞,所以通常會接受詞(人或事物)。


It is obvious that the investigation report omitted some important information.

The autobiography omits any mention of Stephen Hawking’s childhood stories.

The host omitted Ivy from the waiting list.
餐廳接待員不小心在候位名單中遺漏了 Ivy。

受詞的後面還可以再接 from…,意思是從某事物中排除⋯⋯。

Peter hopes the author can omit his name from the news report.
Peter 希望作者在新聞報導中不要寫到他的名字。

Joanna was omitted from the guest list, but she managed to get into the mansion where Allen held the party.
賓客名單遺漏了 Joanna,但她還是設法進入 Allen 舉辦派對的豪宅。

🔎 omit + to V

omit 當動詞時也可以接不定詞 to V,表示故意或不小心沒做某件事。這個用法比較正式,所以較常用在書寫而不是口語上。

The secretary omitted to inform Jenny of the new message from Mr. Lin.
秘書沒告知 Jenny 林先生的新留言。

Terry omitted to tell his supervisor that he would take three days off next week.
Terry 忘了跟他的主管說下星期會請三天假。


ignore 意思為「不理睬、忽視」,是指「故意」去忽略某個人或事情,對他們不理不睬,不像前兩個字有不小心的意涵。最後一樣來瞧瞧 ignore 的用法和例句吧!👀 

🔎 ignore + 受詞

ignore 跟 omit 一樣只能當及物動詞,所以必須接受詞,受詞不管是人或事物都可以。(例句畫底線的部分是受詞喔!)

Those kids wanted to play with Lisa, but she just ignored them.
那些小孩子想跟 Lisa 玩,但她不理會他們。

Ignoring the warning, the tourists insisted on going to the beach during the typhoon day.

When the professor concentrated on her work, she ignored all the text messages and phone calls.

The manager ignored Frank’s complaint, which made him very angry.
那名經理忽視 Frank 的客訴,而讓他非常生氣。

Juanita, ignore him. He’s on his period.

That’s a Wrap!

哇~恭喜你看完今天的介紹了 🥳,接著就換你小試身手啦!下面的空格你覺得要填入 neglected、ignored 還是 omitted 呢?

  1. Kate and her husband _____ the garden after their baby was born.
  2. Ian greeted his neighbor with a smile, but she just _____ him.
  3. To my surprise, Nancy was _____ from the VIP list.


  1. neglected
  2. ignored
  3. omitted

如果上面分享的內容都了解和吸收的話,相信你一定都答對了 👍,以後也不會再弄混 neglectomitignore 這三個字了。之後遇到各種英文問題或想加強你的英文功力,都可以回來英文庫找我們喔!那我們就下次見啦~See you! 😉


喜愛大海的小編 🌊 時常在閱讀、創作、旅行中發現數不完的驚喜。對我來說學習英文有無限的樂趣,希望把這份快樂分享給更多人。