唷齁~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Min 👋,今天咱們要來搞定 regret 的用法。
想用 regret 表達對某事感到後悔、遺憾時,會有名詞和動詞兩種用法。名詞的用法相對單純,例如:
He has no regrets about quitting that job.
His biggest regret was that he sold his parents’ house.
動詞的用法則有不同的句型,比方說,想表達「我後悔對老師惡作劇」(play the prank on my teacher),下面幾種說法都行。
I regret the prank I played on my teacher.
▶️ regret+名詞
I regret playing the prank on my teacher.
▶️ regret+V-ing
I regret that I played the prank on my teacher.
▶️ regret+子句
接下來我們就來一一解析吧,Ready? Let’s go! 💃
一、regret 當名詞用
regret 當名詞時,是表示後悔、遺憾的心情,例如:
He has no regrets about quitting that job.
他不後悔辭掉了那份工作。▶️ have no regrets 不後悔、沒有遺憾,此時 regret 字尾固定會加 s。
至於後面想表達是對什麼事的遺憾時,regret 比較隨和,可搭配的介系詞有好幾個,包括 over、about、at、for 均可。💁 文法觀念小補充:介系詞的後面是加名詞性質的東西,如以下例句中的名詞(the accident)、動名詞 V-ing(quitting、breaking)、名詞子句(what he did)。
The truck driver had deep regret over the car accident.
那位貨車司機對那一起車禍深深懊悔。He has no regrets about quitting that job.
他不後悔辭掉了那份工作。She expressed her regret at breaking up with him.
她表達了後悔跟他分手。The murderer shows great regret for what he did.
除了 have no regrets,名詞的 regret 也有一些常見的搭配片語或句型,來看例句的示範:
- To one’s regret 令某人遺憾的是……
To her regret, she didn’t go to university.
- one’s biggest/only regret 某人最後悔的事 / 唯一後悔的事
His biggest/only regret was that he sold his parents’ house.
他最後悔的事是 / 唯一後悔的事是賣掉了爸媽的房子。
- It is with great regret that… 深感遺憾的是……
It is with great regret that we must lay off half of our employees.
二、regret 當動詞用
學完了 regret 的名詞用法,接下來我們來看 regret 當動詞時的三種好用句型,它的後面分別可加名詞、動名詞 V-ing、名詞子句。咦,有沒有覺得眼熟?沒錯,就跟前面才看到的接介系詞的用法是一樣的。
regret 當動詞時,屬於及物動詞,後面直接加受詞,如:regret the prank(惡作劇)、regret the resignation(辭職)、regret anything(任何事),來看例句。
I regret the prank I played on my teacher.
我後悔對老師惡作劇。He said that he regretted the resignation.
他說自己後悔辭職。I don’t regret anything.
⚠ 小提醒:既然 regret 是及物動詞,就代表後面一定需要加受詞,因此,假如想表達「你會後悔的」,不是說「You’ll regret!」,而是說「You’ll regret it!」,這邊的 it 代表所後悔的事。
這個部分是大家比較可能容易用錯的,當你用 regret 來表示對過去的事感到後悔、遺憾,如果後面加動詞,記得不是用 to V.,而是用 V-ing 喔!例如:
I regret playing the prank on my teacher. ⭕️
I regret to play the prank on my teacher. ❌
We regret inviting them to the wedding. ⭕️
We regret to invite them to the wedding. ❌
The celebrity regrets drinking and driving. ⭕️
The celebrity regrets to drink and drive. ❌
⚠ 小提醒:有時你會看到像下面例句的用法,為什麼這邊用 to V. 就可以呢?因為這時的 regret 是要向別人宣布壞消息,而不是當事人對過去的事在後悔、懊惱,所以屬於不同的用法。宣布壞消息時,都會固定說 regret to say/tell/inform…,例如:
I regret to say that the experiment has failed.
我很遺憾地宣布:實驗失敗。We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
來到 regret 的壓軸用法囉。除了名詞跟V-ing,regret 後面還可以加子句,此時多半都是 that 或 what 開頭的名詞子句,例如:
I regret that I played the prank on my teacher.
我後悔對老師惡作劇。The couple regret that they bought a car instead of an apartment.
那對夫妻後悔買了車,而沒有買房。He regrets what he said to me last night.
上面認識了這麼多 regret 的用法,快快拿筆記抄些例句加強印象吧(遞筆)。
That’s it, folks!
喔耶!看完了,你好棒 🎉!這一篇介紹了 regret 常見的實用表達,以後看到 regret,相信你的心聲應該就會是下面這樣了吧 😉。