Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,reply 的意思是「回覆」或「回答」,在英文母語者的日常生活中使用頻率非常高,對於英文學習者來說,更是犯錯率相當高的單字。
當你在用 reply 這個字「回答」的時候,真的用對了嗎?今天就來探討 reply 的正確用法吧! 😛
1. reply 當動詞,表示「回答、回覆」的意思
當 reply 作動詞的時候,動詞三態為 reply – replied – replied,注意後面需加上 to 來表達回覆某人或某個事物,若是單說 reply sb./sth. 會是錯誤的用法喔!
My boyfriend hasn’t replied to any of my messages. ⭕️
My boyfriend hasn’t replied any of my messages. ❌
我男朋友還沒回覆我的任何訊息。He replied briefly to my question. ⭕️
He replied briefly my question. ❌
他簡短地回覆了我的問題。I spend several hours a day replying to e-mails. ⭕️
I spend several hours a day replying e-mails. ❌
我每天花費數小時回覆電子郵件。Please reply to me as soon as possible. ⭕️
Please reply me as soon as possible. ❌
除了 reply to 這樣的常見用法之外,也能使用 reply with sth. 表示「以…回覆」。
My brother simply replied with a smile.
我的弟弟僅僅以微笑回答。Croatia took an early lead but France replied with three goals in the last three minutes.
當沒有要指定對象時,也能直接以 reply (that) 加上子句來表達並描述回覆的事物。
I replied that it was ten o’clock.
我回覆時間是十點鐘。He replied that he was happy to accept our wedding invitation.
2. reply 當名詞,表示「回答、回覆」的意思
reply 為可數名詞,複數是 replies。當 reply 作為名詞,要用來表達給予某人回覆的時候,一般會使用固定用法 give/make sb. a reply,或是 in reply to sth./sb.。
Please give me an immediate reply.
請立即給我答覆。I made no reply to his email.
我沒有對他的 email 做出回覆。What did you say in reply to their question?
如果是要表達收到回覆,則通常會用 get、have、receive 這三個動詞。
They’ve received more than 100 replies.
= They’ve gotten more than 100 replies.
reply 和 response 的差別?
response 是「回應、回應」的意思,很常被拿來和相似的 reply 做比較,它們最大的差別在於形式上的不同,reply 多指口頭或書寫上的回覆,一般用於語言上的回覆,但 response 除了口頭上的回覆,也包含動作上的回覆,比如某個人打了你一下,你也回擊了一下,就可以用 response。
再來,reply 一般指回覆這個「動作」,response 則更深入包含回覆「內容」,所以它們的深度也是不一樣的喔!
Thank you for your reply.
感謝你的回覆。(指動作)Thank you for your response.
小試身手 Exercise
看了這麼多實際的句型範例之後,當然要換你親自練習一下,請依照題目指示以 reply 進行翻譯,測試看看你是不是都學會了吧! 😉
答案:I don’t know what to reply.
① 她馬上回覆我。
She immediately replied to me.
= She replied to me immediately.
② 這位教授沒有對我的新提案作出回覆。
The professor did not reply to my new proposal.
= The professor made no reply to my new proposal.
③ 我還沒收到他的回覆。
I haven’t received his reply.
④ 他回覆他對這個職位沒有興趣。
He replied that he wasn’t interested in the position.
⑤ 我們沒有在我們的需求上得到回覆。
We received no reply to our query.
= We didn’t receive any replies to our query.
That’s All for Today
現在應該知道要怎麼用英文好好「回覆」了吧?藉由每一次的練習,慢慢跳脫以中文思考英文的傳統思維,就不會再習慣說出 reply sb. 這樣的中式英文用法了!