Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,除了 Instagram 之外,臉書也是不少人滑手機必備的社群媒體,當中有很多你可能天天都在用的功能,像是加好友、打卡、更新狀態、發文等等,但這些用語該如何轉換成英文,輕鬆和國外的朋友打開話匣子呢?今天就來看看臉書的英文用語大全,成為國際數位話題人氣王吧! 😎
Facebook 頁面的英文
- home 首頁
- groups 社團
- messenger 即時通
- notification 通知
- memories 動態回顧
- timeline 動態時報
- events 活動
- community 社群
- marketplace 市集
- fan page 粉絲專頁
- status 狀態
- chat box 聊天室視窗
- life event 生活要事
- timeline 動態時報
- activity log 活動記錄
Tom just updated his status today.
湯姆剛剛才更新了他的狀態。I just created a Facebook fan page, but I don’t know how to get people to like my page.
- tag 標註
- untag 取消標註
- check in 打卡
- block 封鎖
- ignore messages 忽略訊息
- send a message 傳送訊息
- share 分享
- comment 留言評論
- edit audience 編輯觀眾
- like / thumbs up 按讚
- unlike 收回讚
- follow 追蹤
- unfollow 取消追蹤
I blocked my ex boyfriend, so he can no longer stalk me on Facebook.
我封鎖我的前男友了,這樣他再也沒辦法在臉書上偷窺我。My boss just sent me a friend request. I don’t think I’ll accept it.
- 編輯基本個人資料 edit basic info on the profile
- 更新狀態 update one’s status
- 編輯交友狀態 edit relationship status
- 更改交友狀態 change relationship status
I rarely update my Facebook status because I only want to stalk other people.
我很少更新我的臉書狀態,因為我只想偷偷潛水偷窺別人在幹麻。I just found Amy secretly changed her relationship status to married.
- friend v. 加好友
- unfriend 刪好友
- mutual friends 共同好友
- send a friend request 傳送好友邀請
- accept one’s friend request 接受某人的好友邀請
- reject one’s friend request 拒絕某人的好友邀請
- block someone on Facebook 封鎖某人
I blocked my ex boyfriend, so he can no longer stalk me on Facebook.
我封鎖我的前男友了,這樣他再也沒辦法在臉書上偷窺我。He still cares about his ex girlfriend, but he had to unfriend her.
- 發表貼文 / 編輯貼文 create a post / edit a post
- 送出貼文 post
- 儲存貼文 save a post
- 刪除貼文 delete a post
- 置頂貼文 pin the post
- 取消置頂貼文 unpin the post
She just created her first Facebook post yesterday.
- comment n. / v. 留言評論
- leave / write a comment 留言
- receive notifications 收到通知
- turn off notifications 取消通知
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.
- 大頭照 profile picture
- 更新大頭照 update profile picture
- 封面照 cover photo
- 上傳照片 upload a photo
- 選擇照片 select a photo
- 加入照片 add photos
- 新增相簿 create album
She just uploaded a photo and made it her profile picture.
- create a Facebook group 創建臉書社團
- join a Facebook group 加入臉書社團
- invite friends to this group 邀請朋友加入這個社團
I just joined the remote work group on Facebook as a page.
我剛才以臉書專頁的身分加入了這個遠距工作的社團。He created a Facebook group to grow his business.
- deactivate account 暫時停用帳號
- activate account 啟用帳號
- delete account 刪除帳號
I decided to deactivate my Facebook account and avoid constant distraction.
我決定要暫時停用臉書帳號,避免我一直分心。I’ve been hacked, so I have to delete my account.
That’s All for Today
👉【IG 英文用詞】Dm、Bio、按讚、追蹤 等 IG 術語是什麼意思?
👉 IG Hashtag 解析!#like4like #foodporn 等火紅標籤是什麼意思?
👉 IG Hashtag 解答!#OOTD #TBT #TGIF #BFF 的意思以及用法!