Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,英文裡有不少相近詞,像是字面上表示必須的字,可能會讓人聯想到 have to 和 must,還有一個相當接近的 need to。這時候如果你看到 “I must do homework.”、”I have to do homework.” 和 “I need to do homework.”,你有辦法分清楚這三者之間的差別嗎?
到底 must、have to 和 need to 的用法差在哪裡,今天就好好一次搞懂吧! 😎
must、have to、need to 的差別?
have to、need to 和 must 三者比較之下,must 的語氣最為強烈,其次是 have to,再來是 need to。
must 和 have to 的意思比較相近,一樣用來強調義務、必要性,但 must 本身的主觀性很強,而 have to 與 need to 相較下更強調責任與義務。
must 的用法
1. must 表示「義務、必要性」的意思
must 和 have to 某部分很相似,同樣用來表達一定得做某事的義務和必要性,但它與 have to 最大的差別在於說話者的立場,must 比較主觀,強調說話者本身所陳述的事實或感覺,經常用來表達主觀需要的個人原則。
You must come to the office tomorrow.
你明天一定要來辦公室。➡️ 你有義務要來辦公室,我要求你要來。
Must I wear this dress?
= Do I have to wear this dress?
我一定要穿這件裙子嗎?➡️ 詢問對方自己是否有義務一定要穿裙子,現代英語較常使用 Do I have to … 作為問句。
We must get to the airport two hours before the flight.
我們一定要在班機預定起飛時間前兩個小時抵達機場。➡️ 用很主觀的語氣表達我們一定得這麼做。
must 也可以用來表達「推測」,尤其是某件很可能會發生的事。
If you come to the English.cool website often, you must be very interested in learning English.
如果你常來英文庫這個網站,你一定是對學英文很有興趣。➡️ 表示推測你喜歡英文庫的機率非常高。(猜對了嗎?嘿嘿!)
It must be raining.
➡️ 表示推測外面在下雨,且下雨的機率非常高。
have to 的用法
have to 多用來表達一般的義務,當一個人有責任或義務去做一件事情,也就是沒有選擇,必須去做一件事情的時候。
She has to do the shopping because the fridge is empty.
她必須去買東西,因為冰箱空空如也。I have to take a bus to get to work every day.
我必須每天坐公車去上班。You have to wear your seatbelt during takeoffs and landings.
have to 跟 must 很類似,但它們最大的差別之一,在於主詞不是自己的時候,會是指外在來自於他人指稱要完成的義務或命令。
My doctor told me I’m overweight and I have to go on a diet.
⚠️ 注意:由於 must 並沒有時態的問題,如果要表達過去的義務,必須使用 had to。
I had to take those pills twice a day.
need to 的用法
need to 多表示「需要、得」的意思,當一個人為了達到一個目的或目標而必須做一件事,或是某個需要被完成的動作,且大多只有一次的重要性,而不是責任或義務,need to 就派上用場。它相對於 have to,更著重在強調某件事是有必要,但不是別無選擇。
She needs to wash her dirty clothes.
她需要去洗她的髒衣服。I need to get in contact with the embassy in order to obtain a visa before I arrive.
need to 也可以用來表示某件對某人有必要且重要的事。
I didn’t want to go into town, but I needed to buy groceries.
我不想進市區,但我需要去買菜。We need to study more if we want to get good grades.
must、need to、have to 的否定用法
談到否定的用法,don’t have to、don’t need to 和 must not 之間就有很大的差異。
- don’t have to 用來表達某事不是必要的,沒有做沒關係,但做了也無所謂。
- don’t need to 用來表示某個特定的動作不是需要的,且沒有急迫性。
⚠️ 註:don’t need to 可替換成 needn’t,但 needn’t 較正式,且用於英式英文多於美式英文。 - must not 則用來表示某件事是禁止的,也能用來表示義務,說明一件不能做的事情。
You don’t have to go to school if you don’t feel well.
如果你覺得身體不適,你可以不用去上學。She doesn’t have to get up early on Sundays.
You don’t need to come early. You can come whenever you’re ready.
= You needn’t come early. You can come whenever you’re ready.
你不需要提早到,隨時準備好就可以來。You don’t need to go shopping as mom has already gone.
= You needn’t go shopping as mom has already gone.
You must not use your mobile phone while driving the car.
開車的時候,你絕對不能使用手機。When the traffic lights are red you must not go.
小試身手 Exercise
看了這麼多實際的句型範例之後,當然要換你親自練習一下,趕快來看看你是不是都學會了吧!請依照題目指示,填入 have to、need to 或 must。
舉例:I ___ finish this work before I leave.
答案:I must finish this work before I leave.
① You _____ do the cleaning up this morning. I’ll take care of it.
You don’t need to do the cleaning up this morning, I’ll take care of it.
➡️ 表示打掃這個動作可以不必做,所以用 don’t need to。
② You _____ come with me, honestly. I’ll be fine!
You don’t have to come with me, honestly. I’ll be fine!
➡️ 用 don’t have to 表示跟我來這件事不必要,但來了也無所謂。
③ He _____ really like to read.
He must really like to read.
➡️ 此處的 must 用來推斷他有很高的機率喜歡閱讀。
④ You _____ eat any sweets.
You must not eat any sweets.
➡️ must not 表示強烈的禁止,表示一定不能這麼做。
⑤ We _____ wear a uniform when we’re working in reception.
We have to wear a uniform when we’re working in reception.
➡️ 此處用 have to 表示工作時應盡的義務。
That’s All for Today
have to、need to 和 must 三者看似可以用來表達相同的概念,事實上還是存在著些微差異,這也是為什麼有很多英文學習者會覺得卡關的原因,一定要多加練習增加語感,才會更得心應手喔!
👉「need」正確用法是?加 to 還是 ing? (含例句)