唷齁~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Min 👋,今天要來聊聊 that 這個短短但用法很豐富的單字。一開始先給你幾個例句暖身。
- That car is on fire!
- Are you that stupid?
- I know (that) you are sad.
- Tony is the man (that) I love.
你知道這幾個 that 各是什麼意思跟用法嗎?為了方便你吸收,我要先直接破哏囉 😀。Ready? Let’s go! 💃
- That car is on fire!
➡ 表示「那」 - Are you that stupid?
➡ 表示「那麼的」 - I know (that) you are sad.
➡ 用在名詞子句的開頭 - Tony is the man (that) I love.
➡ 用在關係子句(=形容詞子句)的開頭
that 用在子句何時可省略?
相信很多人會看這一篇,是想釐清 that 用在子句,何時可以省略,何時不行 🤔,先給你看這份表格快速解惑吧。對了,通常是在口語或非正式的情況省略,正式的情況還是多會保留。當然,如果你自己在用的當下,覺得不是那麼有把握,可以一律都先保留,是沒問題的 👌 。
that 的用法 | 可省? | 例句 |
that 名詞子句放一般動詞後 | ⭕️ | I know (that) you are sad. |
that 名詞子句放be動詞後 | ⭕️ | The reason is (that) you lied. |
that 名詞子句放It is+形容詞後 | ⭕️ | It is important (that) you stay. |
that 名詞子句當主詞 | ❌ | That he won the game is so exciting. |
that 名詞子句放名詞後 | 有爭議 | I heard a rumor that he died. |
that 當關代,後面直接加動詞 | ❌ | The girl that talked to me is Mary. |
that 當關代,後面不是直接加動詞 | ⭕️ | Tony is the man (that) I love. |
一、that 表示「那」
▶ That car is on fire! 那台車燒起來了!
句中的 that 是限定某台車。這時的 that 後面會加名詞,用來指特定的人事物或時間,例如:that woman(那個女人)、that accident(那場意外)、that morning(那天早上)。
Look at that woman in the corner. Isn’t she your boss?
你看角落的那個女人,她不是你的主管嗎?That accident has changed his life.
那場意外已經改變了他的人生。I wasn’t home that morning.
這時的 that 在文法書或字典稱為「限定詞」(determiner),看了上面的介紹,你知道為什麼了吧 😉?另外,這時候的 that 也可以當代名詞,代替人、事物、說過的話等等,這時它後面就不另加名詞囉,例如:
Who’s that?
➡ 代替人
That‘s a nice bag.
➡ 代替東西
That‘s what I said.
➡ 代替前面說的話
That‘s ridiculous!
➡ 代替前面說的話或事
二、that 當「那麼的」
▶ Are you that stupid? 你有那麼笨嗎?
句中的 that 是表示 stupid 的程度。這時 that 是副詞,修飾形容詞、副詞的程度,這個用法在口語還滿好用的喔!來看其他例句吧。
I can’t believe you were that shy.
我不敢相信你之前那麼害羞。Do you think the situation is really that bad?
➡ that 修飾形容詞
It is impossible for me to run that fast.
我不可能跑那麼快。I didn’t expect the interview would take that long.
➡ that 修飾副詞
三、that 的名詞子句
▶ I know (that) you are sad. 我知道你很難過。
這邊的 that 是連接詞,用來連接「I know」和「you are sad」兩個子句,而後半段的「that you are sad」就是所謂的名詞子句。that 當連接詞時,後面都是用來帶出子句。that 的名詞子句在句子裡有幾種不同的位置,來看看以下五種情況吧 👀。
1. that 子句在一般動詞的後面
剛才的例句「I know (that) you are sad.」就是這種情況,放在 know 的後面。這類情況常見的搭配動詞有 know、think、believe、say……等等,that 子句當這些動詞的受詞,此時 that 是可省略的 🆗,畢竟它本身並沒有實質的意思,刪了不會影響句意,也比較精簡。
She thinks (that) you are a workaholic.
她覺得你是工作狂。My colleague says (that) he wants to quit.
我的同事說他想辭職。Detective Conan believes (that) the man was murdered.
2. that 子句在 be 動詞的後面
放在 be 動詞的後面時,that 子句用來補充說明主詞的內容,例如:
The reason is (that) you lied to him.
這時「that you lied to him」是用來說明 reason,是主詞補語。這時常見的句型有 The reason is that…、The truth is that…、The problem is that…,後面的內容都是用來說明 reason、truth、problem 是什麼。因為不影響句意,所以這時 that 可省略 🆗。
The truth is (that) they can’t afford a car.
實情是他們買不起車子。The biggest problem is (that) we don’t have the equipment.
3. that 子句在 「It is + 形容詞」的後面
上面的 that 子句都是緊接在動詞後面,其實它也可以放在「It is + 形容詞」的後面,這時的 that 也可省略 🆗。例如:
It is important (that) you stay.
你留下來很重要。It’s possible (that) he didn’t tell the truth.
有可能他沒說實話。It’s odd (that) he hasn’t called me.
4. that 子句在句首
that 子句放在句首時,是用來帶出一件事當主詞,因為整個 that 子句都是主詞,所以這時 that 不能省略 🈲!that 子句當主詞的情況其實較少,主詞太長會讓句子頭重腳輕,所以你稍微有個概念就好囉。
That he won the game is so exciting. ⭕️
他贏了比賽讓人很興奮。He won the game is so exciting. ❌
➡ 主詞是 That he won the game,不能省掉 that。像第二句把 that 拿掉的話,會無法辨識這一句的動詞到底是 won 還是 is,也搞不清楚主詞是誰。
➡ 通常在這種情形,母語者喜歡借用 It 當虛主詞來改寫,如「It is so exciting that he won the game.」。
That the couple got divorced last month is so surprising.
那對夫妻上個月離婚了,讓人很驚訝。That the Korean pop singer killed himself yesterday shocked everyone.
5. that 子句在名詞的後面
先給你一個假設題,如果今天想表達「我聽到謠言說他死了」,你可以怎麼說呢?答案是:I heard a rumor that he died. 這邊的 that 子句是用來說明 rumor(謠言)的內容。
像這種緊接在名詞後面,用來說明名詞內容的情況,文法書上叫「同位語」。常見的同位語組合有 the idea that…、the fact that…、the news that… 等等。同位語的 that 能否省略,在英語世界是沒有標準答案的。如果你想保險起見,不妨都以保留為主,來看例句吧。
She can’t accept the fact that her husband cheated on her.
她無法接受老公出軌的事實。The news that he resigned surprised everyone.
他辭職的消息讓大家很驚訝。They hate the idea that AI will replace human jobs.
四、that 的關係子句(=形容詞子句)
▶ The girl that talked to me is Mary. 那個跟我講話的女孩是瑪莉。
that 代替前面的名詞 the girl,是關係代名詞。that 當關係子句的主格時,that 是不能省略的 🈲。道理很簡單,如果講成 The girl talked to me is Mary,就會搞不清楚動詞到底是 talked 或 is 對吧?要是你覺得「主格」這個概念很燒腦,不必糾結,直接用 that 後面是不是直接加動詞來辨識吧 👌。再來看其他例句。
She is the wife that yelled at her husband yesterday.
她是昨天對先生大小聲的那位太太。I don’t like the kids that have been screaming for ten minutes.
我不喜歡那些已經鬼吼鬼叫了十分鐘的小孩。Who is the guy that has been bothering you?
但是,如果 that 後面不是直接加動詞,而是有人或物當主詞的話,that 是可以省略的 🆗,這是因為不會造成理解上的障礙!文法書會告訴你,這時的 that 是關係子句的受格。
She is the best boss (that) I have ever had.
她是我遇過最棒的老闆。This is the scariest horror movie (that) he has ever seen.
這是我看過最可怕的恐怖片 🍿。Iron Man is the man (that) I love.
💁 (有餘力再看的)Btw小補充:
下面這兩句的 that ,都是放在名詞後面,所以學生往往搞不清楚有什麼不同,來看例句的解析吧。
I heard a rumor that he died.
➡ 名詞子句。
rumor 無法擺進後面的子句(he died),這時的 rumor = he died,that子句是 rumor 的同位語。
Tony is the man (that) I love.
➡ 關係子句(形容詞子句)。
man 可以擺進後面子句,變成 I love the man。
That’s it, folks!
喔耶!看完了,你好棒噢 🎉!I hope that this article helps. 看完這篇,你是不是覺得 that 的用法很多很煩很豐富 😂?如果只是硬記真的很煩,多觀察母語者的用法最輕鬆也有效。還有其他英文的問題嗎?快去英文庫 🆒 的其他地方逛逛吧,英文庫咱們下次見!
想更認識 that 關係子句嗎?
👉 關係代名詞 which、that 用法差在哪?可省略?加逗號?