Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來看看 although 的用法~
當你想用英文來表達「雖然」的時候,第一個會想到的字是什麼呢?相信很多人跟我一樣會想到 although 對吧,不過呢,想的到是一回事,能用的對才是真本事!所以今天就一起來看看要怎麼把 although 用對用好吧!Let’s go!
although 的用法及例句
although 用來表示「雖然、即使」,是連接詞,在句子中是扮演轉折的角色,以表達句意上的對比,通常會放在句首,看看例句你就懂了:
Although I’m full, I still want to eat.
雖然我很飽,但我還是想吃東西。Although she was sick, she still went to work.
雖然她生病了,但她還是去上班。Although this laptop is old, it still runs well.
雖然這台筆電舊了,它還是運作地很順暢。Although this dress looks really good on me, I still won’t buy it.
雖然我穿這件洋裝真的很好看,但我還是不會買它。Although none of this matters, it feels very important.
仔細看例句後,你應該可以發現在後半部的子句常常會搭配 still 一起使用,這樣可以用來加強語氣唷~
另外,although 除了可以放在句首,還可以放在句中,但前面通常就不會加逗號了,以下示範三個例句給你看:
Although I’m full, I still want to eat.
= I still want to eat although I’m full.Although she was sick, she still went to work.
= She still went to work although she was sick.Although this laptop is old, it still runs well.
= This laptop still runs well although it is old.
補充#1: although 和 though 用法一樣嗎?
在學 although 的用法時,總少不了 though 的相伴,那這兩個長得那麼像的字用法是否相同呢?🤔
其實兩者在用法上是差不多的,although 和 though 都可以放在句首與句中(皆作為連接詞),不同之處在於只有 though 可以放在句尾(這時候會作為副詞),且是很口語的表達方式。在語氣上呢,although 則會比 though 來得正式一點,though 用在口語會比書面來得多。
Although Randy has a lot of friends, he still feels very lonely.
Though Randy has a lot of friends, he still feels very lonely.
Randy has a lot of friends. He still feels very lonely, though.
➡ though 放句尾時,前面會加上逗號,在口語上就是代表著停頓點~Randy still feels very lonely although he has a lot of friends.
Randy still feels very lonely though he has a lot of friends.
雖然 Randy 有很多朋友,但他還是感到非常寂寞。
補充#2: although 的常見錯誤
我們在中文講「雖然…」時,後面總少不了會接「但是…」,不過呢,如果你把這個習慣帶進英文的句子,可是會變成錯誤的句子唷 🙅♀️,像是這樣:
Although Randy has a lot of friends, but he still feels very lonely. ❌
為什麼是錯的呢?🤔 因為在英文邏輯中,although 已經有轉折的語氣在了,所以不需要 although + but 來轉折兩次,而在文法上,although 和 but 都是連接詞,兩個子句只需要一個連接詞就好囉,因此正確的寫法會是這樣:
Although Randy has a lot of friends, he still feels very lonely. ⭕️
Randy has a lot of friends, but he still feels very lonely. ⭕️
That’s All for Today
以上就是 although 的介紹,相信對你來說很容易學習。那不管是在英文口說還是寫作,although 都是非常實用的,所以將 although 的用法學好絕對是必要並且有利沒有弊啦!那也要記得別再把 although 和 but 放在同一句話囉!
👉 差在哪?Although, though, even though, despite 用法上的差別!
👉 Even though 跟 Even if 的用法差在哪?來搞懂!
👉 來搞懂英文「連接詞、對等連接詞、從屬連接詞」
👉 英文的「副詞子句」是什麼?如何正確使用?
今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉