嗨~大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Jessie 👋 今天要跟大家分享 mention 的用法。
說到「提及」的英文,大家不外乎第一個想到的就是 mention,因此想表達「提到關於⋯⋯」時,許多人會直覺寫下 mention about…,但這個用法可是大錯特錯 ❌ 那它到底錯在哪?又要怎麼正確使用 mention 呢?話不多說,小編這就為大家解答 💡
一、 mention about 為什麼不對?
首先來看看以下包含 mention 的句子吧 👀
Ken promised not to mention about his ex-girlfriend again. (❌)
William mentioned about some product issues in the meeting. (❌)
Did Vickey mention about her family in the email? (❌)
Amy just mentioned about your birthday party. (❌)
你是不是覺得這些句子讀起來都很順呢?或是曾經看過或寫過類似的句子?但其實句子中的 mention 用法都是錯的 ❌,並沒有 mention about 這個寫法 👩🏫 mention 後面要直接接名詞:
Ken promised not to mention
abouthis ex-girlfriend again.
Ken 承諾不會再提起他的前女友。William mentioned
aboutsome product issues in the meeting.
William 在會議中提到一些產品問題。
或可以改寫成 mention anything about 或 mention something about 才是對的喔!
Did Vickey mention anything about her family in the email?
Vickey 在信裡有提到任何關於她家人的事嗎?Amy just mentioned something about your birthday party.
Amy 剛提到關於你生日派對的事。
💬 順帶一提,你知道為什麼很多人會誤用 mention about 嗎? 除了可能因為用中文去思考,也可能是因為曾經看過 mention something/anything about 這個片語出現在句子中,所以覺得 mention about 是個片語動詞。mention N about 的確是正確且常見的片語,但並不代表 mention about 就是對的,而且 mention about 也不是片語動詞,千萬不要搞混了!
二、mention 當動詞的用法
了解 mention about 為何是錯的後,接著要跟大家介紹正確的 mention 用法,首先從動詞開始說起吧!
🔎 mention + N
mention 是及物動詞,所以後面必須接受詞,其中一個 mention 最常接的受詞就是名詞 (N)。
When I met Jill, she mentioned her trip to Bali.
我遇到 Jill 時,她提到她的峇里島之旅。The professor mentioned his new book in class.
另外這個用法也可以延伸加長寫成 mention N to sb,意思是「對某個人提起⋯⋯」。
Judy decided not to mention her car accident to her parents.
Judy 決定不要跟她爸媽提起車禍的事。Zack mentioned the idea of moving abroad to his wife.
Zack 跟他老婆提起搬到國外的想法。
🔎 mention + V-ing
mention 除了接名詞,也可以接 V-ing 動名詞。
My son mentioned bumping into his old classmate in the supermarket.
我兒子提到昨天在超市巧遇他的老同學。Peter mentioned seeing his favorite actor again and again, which made everyone fed up with him.
Peter 一再提起看到他最喜歡的演員,這讓大家對他感到厭煩。
🔎 mention + that 子句
mention 後面還可以接當受詞的 that 子句,這裡 that 本身沒有意義,只是要帶出後面的子句,所以這個情況下 that 可以省略。
Owen mentioned (that) he found a new job in Canada.
Owen 提到他在加拿大找到新工作了。The couple mentioned (that) they wanted to buy a seaside villa for holiday purposes.
那對夫妻提到想買間海邊別墅當作度假使用。Did I mention (that) this is urgent?
三、mention 的片語用法
🔎 not to mention + N/V-ing
not to mention 意思是「更不用說」,這個片語主要用來強調前面提到的論述,所以 not to mention 一般不能放在句首,而要放在句中。另外要留意 not to mention 前面必須加上逗號來區隔前後兩句,後面則可以接名詞或是 V-ing 動名詞。
Kate is too poor to buy a scooter, not to mention a car.
Kate 沒錢買機車,更不用說是汽車了。I love the design of the hotel, not to mention the breathtaking view from the balcony.
我很喜歡這間旅館的設計,從陽臺看出去的絕美景色更不用說了。Terry can’t even make instant noodles, not to mention cooking a big meal.
Terry 連泡麵都不會煮,煮大餐就更不用說了。
🔎 don’t mention it
don’t mention it 意思是「不用謝,不客氣」,當別人跟你道謝時,你覺得只是幫個小忙,這種小事不用提,或想禮貌性回覆別人對你的感謝時,都可以用 don’t mention it。
Jessica: Thank you for taking care of my baby. I owe you one!
Ryan: It’s nothing. Don’t mention it.
Ryan:這沒什麼。不用謝。Spongebob: Oh, and just in time. Thanks, Patrick.
Patrick: Don’t mention it, buddy.
四、mention 當名詞的用法
雖然 mention 比較常被當動詞使用,但其實 mention 也可以當名詞,意思一樣是「提及」。不管是文字或是口語提到某件事,都可以用 mention 表示。
Yesterday’s bank robbery got a mention in the newspaper.
報紙有提到昨天那起銀行搶案。The awardee made no mention of his sponsors in the speech, which made them angry.
那位得獎人在演說中沒提到他的贊助商,讓他們很生氣。At the mention of the honeymoon trip, the newlywed got pretty excited.
That’s All for Today
Yay! 恭喜你看完關於 mention 的滿滿介紹,如果還想要延伸學習或複習其他相關用法,推薦給你這些文章:
📒「片語動詞」(Phrasal Verb) 是什麼? 有哪些?
📒 來搞懂「名詞子句」that, wh- 名詞子句規則!
📒 「that、that子句」的用法!that 何時可省略?
用中文去思考很容易就會寫出像 mention about 這樣的中式英文,甚至毫無察覺一直使用下去。如果想要擺脫中式英文,可以常常來英文庫找我們,各種英文的疑問都能在這裡找到解答喔!那今天的分享就到這裡,我們下次見囉 😉