Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來談談「名詞子句」吧!
提到名詞子句這個名稱,你可能會覺得有點陌生,但相信你一定都使用過這類的句子,像是 I think that the idea is good. 👍(我覺得這個想法很棒)、The problem is that I don’t have time. 😣(問題就是我沒有時間),這類的句子其實就是用到了名詞子句喔!
I know the man. (名詞)
我知道那個男人。I know the man in blue.(名詞片語)
我知道那個穿藍色衣服的男人。I know that the man in blue is handsome.(名詞子句)
I know that the man in blue is handsome. (當受詞)
我知道那個穿藍色衣服的男人很帥。That the man in blue is handsome is true. (當主詞)
那個穿藍色衣服的男人很帥是真的。The only advantage is that the man in blue is handsome. (當補語)
唯一的優勢就是那個穿藍色衣服的男人很帥。The fact that the man in blue is handsome is clear.(當同位語)
The best thing is that everyone is safe.
最棒的事就是每個人都很平安。I don’t believe the news that they divorced.
我不相信他們離婚的消息。What you told me is true.
你所告訴我的事是真的。I believe what you told me.
我相信你所告訴我的。I didn’t know whether he was alive or not.
我不知道他是否還活著。Whether he is alive or not is important.
他是否還活著這件事很重要。I’ll follow wherever you go.
如你所看到的,名詞子句的開頭都是滿固定的,依照語意不同會分成:that 子句、wh- 子句、whether/if 子句以及 wh-ever 子句。我們接下來就一個一個來看吧!
1️⃣ that 名詞子句
that 在英文是個很好用的字,除了你最熟悉的 I think that …,也來看看其他用法吧!
That he hasn’t come to the office is weird. (當主詞)
(較自然的句子結構是:It is weird that he hasn’t come to the office.)That he loves you is true. (當主詞)
(較自然的句子結構是:It is true that he loves you.)
I believe (that) he is alive.(當受詞)
我相信他還活著。I think (that) he loves you.(當受詞)
我認為他是愛你的。She told me (that) my dog was lost.(當受詞)
The only problem is (that) he can’t speak English. (當補語 – 補充 the only problem)
唯一的問題就是他不會說英文。My suggestion is (that) you should quit the job. (當補語 – 補充 my suggestion)
The news that he is alive is true. (當同位語 – 說明 the news)
他還活著的消息是真的。The fact that he loves you is clear.(當同位語 – 說明 the fact)
他愛你的這個事實很明顯。We came to the conclusion that we should cooperate with the company.(當同位語 – 說明 the conclusion)
👆 最後的「同位語」大家可能比較陌生,同位語的功能就是在說明前方的名詞,簡單來說,就是同位語和它前面的名詞是可以劃上等號,指的是同一件事~
而那些名詞通常會跟「認知、思考、訊息、表達」有關,例如:claim(主張)、assumption(假定)、decision(決定)、idea(想法)、thought(想法)、belief(信念)、opinion(意見)、 suggestion(建議)、information(資訊)、rumor(傳聞)、truth(真相)、possibility(可能性)。
that 何時可以省略?
that 在名詞子句的功能是引出後面的子句,它實際上是沒有意思的喔。所以,在 that 名詞子句作為受詞或補語時,that 是可以省略的。但是,當同位語的時候是否可省略是有爭議的,所以我建議保留 that 會比較清楚。
原則上就是若省略 that 後句意仍清楚, that 就可以省略,但如果怕省略會寫錯,那把 that 保留會是最安全的做法唷~
如果想更深入知道 that 的用法,推薦你到這篇文章看看喔:
👉 That 的正確用法是?That 何時可省略?
2️⃣ wh- 子句
除了 that 子句,wh- 疑問詞也可以引導出名詞子句,wh- 疑問詞包含了:
what / which / why / where / when / who / how
What you told me is true. (當主詞)
你所告訴我的事是真的。How he solved the problem is a mystery. (當主詞)
Tell me why you want to quit. (當受詞)
告訴我為何你想要辭職。I don’t know which answer is correct.(當受詞)
我不知道哪一個答案是對的。I am not interested in what you are talking about. (當受詞)
我對於你們在談論的事沒興趣。Don’t worry about what will happen. (當受詞)
👆 這裡的名詞子句使用到了間接問句的觀念喔,想了解更多可以參考這篇文章:
The most important thing is how you deal with the problem. (當補語)
The question why the money was lost hasn’t been answered. (當同位語)
為何錢不見了的這個問題還沒被解答。It is a mystery how he solved the problem. (當同位語)
3️⃣ whether / if 子句
whether 和 if 都是「是否」的意思,都可以引導出名詞子句,看看例句吧:
Whether you take my suggestion is important. (當主詞)
你是否採納我的建議是重要的。We are thinking about whether we should cancel the trip. (當介系詞的受詞)
我們在想要不要取消這次的旅行。The question is whether he can speak English. (當補語)
問題是他會不會說英文。I don’t know whether the boss will come. (當動詞的受詞)
在當動詞的受詞時, whether 跟 if 是可以替換的 👇,不過在正式場合還是會以 whether 為主~
I don’t know whether/if the boss will come. (當動詞的受詞)
whether/if + or not?
whether 常會搭配 or not 一起用,會更加重「是否」的感覺喔,而 or not 的位置可以緊接著 whether 後方或是在子句的句尾,以上方的句子來示範吧:
⭕️ Whether you take my advice is important.
⭕️ Whether or not you take my advice is important.
⭕️ Whether you take my advice or not is important.
if 也可以搭配 or not,但只能放子句的句尾,就沒有 if or not 的用法囉!
⭕️ I don’t know if the boss will come.
⭕️ I don’t know if the boss will come or not.
❌ I don’t know if or not the boss will come.
4️⃣ whatever/wherever/whenever/… 子句
這些 wh 疑問詞後面加上 ever 的字會叫做 wh 複合疑問詞,意思上會多了「不論…/不管…/任何…」,包含了這些:
- whatever 不論是什麼、任何事物
- wherever 不論在哪、不論到哪、任何地方
- whenever 不論何時、任何時間
- whoever 不論是誰、任何人
- however 不論如何、以任何方式
Whoever wants to ask questions can raise their hand. (當主詞)
➡ whoever 會視為第三人稱單數(如同 he/she/it),所以要搭配 wantsWhatever worked in the past no longer works. (當主詞)
You can take whatever you need. (當受詞)
你可以拿取任何你需要的東西。I’ll buy whatever you want. (當受詞)
It is whatever you can imagine. (當補語)
這就是你能想像出來的一切。Home is wherever you are. (當補語)
家就是有你在的地方。You may do it however you want. (當補語)
That’s All for Today