Hello, guys! 歡迎來到英文庫,我是強相 👋,今天要跟大家分享 request 的用法。
疫情時代,許多公司轉為部分天數在家工作,email 儼然成為更常使用的正式溝通管道,據統計全球每秒就有 300 萬封 email 收發,真的非常驚人呢!不論是要請廠商報價、諮詢事情或網購退換貨等等,都屬於「提出請求」,所以這些情況就很適合使用 request 表達喔,以下先看幾個例句~
I’d like to request a refund.
The client requested that we not postpone the delivery time.
The company requested that all communication be done via email.
以上的例句是不是感覺有點熟悉呢?下面會完整說明,那麼事不宜遲,Are you ready? Let’s go~
Request 當動詞的用法
request 當動詞時表示「請求、要求」,比起 ask for 更為正式、禮貌,在 email 等工作場合更為常見。用法上主要有三種,以下一一介紹 🤓~
1. request something (from someone) (向某人)請求某事物
request 後面直接加名詞,即你想要請求的事物。
I’d like to request a refund.
我想要申請退款。Fred requested assistance from his roommates.
Fred 向室友請求協助。Every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st.
每次有人打來想和你會面,我都會排在 3 月 31 日。
2. request someone to do something 請求某人做某事
請求某人做事情時,request 後面則會加不定詞。
The security guard requested them to leave, but they refused to comply.
警衛要求他們離開,但他們拒絕配合。Each department was requested to submit a report by the end of the day.
各部門被要求當天下班前要提交一份報告。Hotel guests are requested to check out by noon.
請房客在中午前退房。Patrons are requested to abstain from smoking in the mall.
🔎注意:在公告上,request 常以被動語態出現,如此能顯得更為客氣、間接,如第三、四句。
3. request (that) + 主詞 + (should) + 原形動詞 + 受詞
這是 request 最特別的用法,也是大家最容易犯錯的地方。概念源於在英文裡出現表示建議、要求等意思的字詞時,that 後面的子句會帶有 should(應該)的意思,這個 should 在美式英文裡常會省略,英式則會保留,但不管有沒有將 should 省略,後面的動詞一定要用原形動詞喔!
We request that all cell phones be turned off during the test. ⭕️
We request that all cell phones are turned off during the test. ❌
我們要求在考試期間將手機關機。The company requested that all communication be done via email. ⭕️
The company requested that all communication was done via email. ❌
公司要求所有通訊往來須透過電子郵件。I would like to respectfully request that you shut up.
而如果是否定句,用法上則是 request (that) + 主詞 + (should) + not + 原形動詞 + 受詞。
The client requested that we not postpone the delivery time.
Request 當名詞的用法
request 除了當動詞的用法,也可以當名詞,同樣表示「請求、要求」,常見的動詞搭配整理如下:
- 提出請求:make a request
- 同意請求:grant a request
- 拒絕請求:deny/refuse/decline a request
- 回應請求:respond to a request
如果是在臉書上向對方提出加好友的請求,可以用 send a friend request。而在 IG 上想追蹤私人帳號,則可以 send a follow request(提出追蹤請求)。
request 當名詞時主要有三種用法,另外還有幾個常見固定片語,我們逐一說明 😁~
1. a request + for + N.
Issa made a request for further help.
Issa 請求獲得進一步幫助。
🔎 這一句可以等於 Issa requested further help. (request 當動詞)The bank denied my request for a loan.
2. a request + to V.
Our request to work from home was declined.
我們在家工作的請求被拒絕了。The supervisor still has not responded to our request to leave work early today.
3. a request that + 主詞 + (should) + 原形動詞 + 受詞
這個用法的概念和 request 當動詞的第三種用法是一樣的,所以後面子句的動詞務必用原形動詞。另外這個用法的 that 通常會保留。
He left his email address with a request that any messages be forwarded to him. ⭕️
He left his email address with a request that any messages were forwarded to him. ❌
他留了電子信箱,並要求有任何消息都要轉寄給他。Professor Wang made a request that Emma stay until she finishes the test. ⭕️
Professor Wang made a request that Emma stays until she finishes the test. ❌
王教授要求 Emma 考完試才能走。
同樣地,若遇到否定句,則用 a request that + 主詞 + (should) + not + 原形動詞 + 受詞。
The supplier made a request that we not leave without providing them with a solution.
4. at the request of someone / at someone’s request 應某人請求
這邊的 request 是固定用法,會使用單數,不加 s 喔。
I worked extra hours at my manager’s request.
我按照經理的要求加班。I gave a presentation at the request of the guests.
5. by request (of someone) 依照(某人)要求
這個用法在語氣上相對文雅,但記得此時 request 要用單數,中間不加 the 喔。此外,這用法沒有上面的 at the request of someone / at someone’s request 來得常見。
His face was blurred out by request.
有按要求把他的臉模糊化了。They are having a meeting by request of their supervisor.
6. on request 依照要求
這個用法的 request 同樣要用單數,中間不加 the~
Free drinks are available on request.
📝 補充:request 表示「點播」
雖然說 request 表示請求,但如果應用在聽廣播或餐廳、夜店等台上有表演節目的場合,則表示點播的歌曲 🎤。
Alright, the next song is a request from Mr. Chen in Kaohsiung.
好的,下一首歌是高雄的陳先生點播的。Got any requests?
小試身手 ✏️
結束前小試一下自己的身手,加深對 request 的印象吧!
1️⃣ John ________ for further assistance.
John 請求進一步協助。
John requested further assistance.
John made a request for further assistance.➡️ 可以用動詞 request something,或用名詞 make a request for。
2️⃣ We requested that the information _____ kept secret and not shared with other people.
We requested that the information be kept secret and not shared with other people.
➡️ request that 子句裡的動詞固定會用原形動詞喔。
3️⃣ He went on a business trip ___________________.
He went on a business trip at the request of the/his company.
He went on a business trip at the/his company’s request.➡️ 除了以上解答的兩句,另外也可以用 by request of the/his company,只是實際上較少這樣用。
That’s All for Today
感謝你又看完了一篇文章,為自己學會了 request 用法來點掌聲吧!👏
想必在閱讀完這篇文章之後,你一定能在 email 書信往來時,表達出自己正式的請求而不失禮貌。和教授、同事、供應商、客人等人溝通時更無往不利!也別忘了我們還有學到在公告上,request 通常會用被動語態來更客氣地表達請求,那麼我們就下次見啦!See ya~
👉 假設語氣:Suggest, Recommend, Insist 等的用法!
👉「需求」的英文 “demand” 正確用法是?(含例句)
今天就分享到這,下次遇到任何英文疑問時,歡迎回來英文庫找答案喔!Have a good one! 😉