Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,當我們想表達「我愛你直到永遠」或「直到遇見你,我才懂得愛情」這些浪漫滿分的情話,到底該用 until 還是 not until 呢?要是不小心搞錯,可能會一瞬間從天堂掉入地獄。😂
今天就來學習 until 和 not until 的正確用法,並搞懂它們的差別吧!
until 的用法與例句
until 表示「直到…為止」,指一直做某件事情直到某個時間點,也就是持續的動作。
They went to bed and slept until morning.
他們上床睡覺後一直睡到早上。➡️ 這句話表示他們中間都沒有起床過,就這麼一路睡到白天為止。
Until I was ten years old, my family lived in Vancouver.
直到我十歲為止,我們家都住在溫哥華。➡️ 意指我們家一直在溫哥華住到我十歲為止,在這之後才離開沒有住在溫哥華。
not until 的用法與例句
not until 翻成「直到…才…」,表示某個動作或事件是直到某個時間點之後才開始,且一般動詞是強調瞬間或短暫性的動作。
She did not go to bed until 3 AM.
她直到凌晨三點才上床睡覺。➡️ 表示她凌晨三點前都沒做上床睡覺這個動作。
I’m not going home until you tell me a secret.
直到你跟我說秘密之前,我都不要回家。➡️ 意思是我要等到你跟我說秘密才要回家,回家是一個短暫性的動作。
除了以上的基本句型,not until 也可以用 It is …..that 的句型表達,增加文章的變化性,但偏向書面的正式用法。
應用的時候,只要把原句要加強的部分寫在 it is 的後面,其他部分放到 that 的後面就可以了。
It was not until Chi Ling was 44 that she met her Mr. Right.
= Chi Ling did not meet her Mr. Right until she was 44.
當然,也可以直接以 Not until 作為開頭,但此時因為是 not 這個否定副詞放在句首的關係,後面主要子句的主詞和動詞就必須倒裝,變成倒裝句。
Not until Chi Ling was 44 did she meet her Mr. Right.
You will not understand this book until you get older.
= Not until you get older will you understand this book.
= It is not until you get older that you will understand this book.
until 和 not until 的差別
很多人常會把 until 和 not until 搞混,注意這兩者之間最大的差異,就在於 until 是動作一直持續進行到一個時間點為止,但 not until 是在某個時間點前動作都還沒進行,一直到時間點後動作才發生。看了下面的圖,相信你就會更清楚啦! 😎
Columbus was working until 9:09 PM last Monday.
上個禮拜一,哥倫布一直工作到晚上九點零九分。Columbus did not start working until 9:09 PM last Monday.
小試身手 Exercise
答案:Not until my husband called me did I stop worrying about him.
① 我直到十歲才知道長頸鹿這個動物。
I didn’t know about giraffes until I was ten.
= It was not until I was ten that I knew about giraffes.
= Not until I was ten did I know about giraffes.➡️ 「直到…才…」是 not until 的句型,記得此處需使用過去式。
② 他們昨天一直到晚上八點才慶祝 Mary 的生日。
They didn’t celebrate Mary’s birthday until 8 pm yesterday.
= It was not until 8 pm yesterday that they celebrated Mary’s birthday.
= Not until 8 pm yesterday did they celebrate Mary’s birthday.
③ 我一直等我朋友等到下午五點為止。
I waited for my friend until 5 PM.
➡️ 等待這個動作是持續的,代表我在下午五點前一直都在等我的朋友,故需使用 waited…until…。
④ 直到昨天半夜,我都一直和我男友待在一起。
I stayed with my boyfriend until midnight yesterday.
⑤ 她直到看完這本書,才離開圖書館。
She didn’t leave the library until she finished reading the book.
= Not until she finished reading the book did she leave the library.
= It wasn’t until she finished reading the book that she left the library.
That’s All for Today
剛開始學習 until 和 not until 的概念,可能還會迷迷糊糊,但多配合圖解進行練習,一定會越來越熟悉它們的差別,以及 not until 的變化句型。