Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,談到英文裡的「但是」,你很可能會馬上連想到 but,但其實還有其他類似用法,像是 nevertheless 和 however 等等,只要多加熟悉,在寫作或口說上,都能夠像變魔術一般,怡然地做出更具豐富性的變化。
今天就要帶你以實用例句深入了解 however 的所有正確用法,讓你不再只會拿 but 耍威風啦!🤣
1. however 表示「但是、然而」
however 能用來作為副詞,造成語句上意思的轉折,形成複合句子,強調兩個獨立句子之間的關係是相反的,在意思上類似 but,但相對來說 however 比較正式,而且這兩個字在標點符號的用法不太一樣喔!
I would love to go to the party; however, I’m too busy.
➡️ 原本的兩個句子分別是 “I would love to go to the party.” 和 “I’m too busy.”,因為想強調後面的 I’m too busy,可使用 however 將兩個句子合併,並營造轉折語氣的效果。
我們再看看幾個例句,你就會更了解啦! 👇
My husband says that he saw nothing. However, I don’t believe what he says is the truth.
我的老公說他什麼都沒看到,但我並不相信他說的是實話。I want to buy a laptop. However, I’ll have to use all of my savings.
我想買一台筆電,但這樣我就必須花掉大部分的存款了。I have a lot of work to do today. However, I am not feeling well.
however 的標點符號用法
在標點符號方面,因為是連接兩個獨立句子,記得在 however 前面需使用分號或句號,後面加上逗號分隔,以暗示對方與前一句話意思相反的轉折要來了。
⚠️ 注意 however 放句首時,後面也需加上逗號再接句子。
We plan to stay for another month. However, Sandy is leaving now.
= We plan to stay for another month; however, Sandy is leaving now.
我們計畫要再多待一個月,但仙蒂現在就要走了。Henry doesn’t have a cat. However, he does have a dog, doesn’t he?
= Henry doesn’t have a cat; however, he does have a dog, doesn’t he?
除了以上的用法,也可以將 however 置於句尾或兩個逗號之間,讓它在一句話中以打斷式的形式出現,同樣暗指與方才提到的內容相反,但語氣相對較前面的用法薄弱一些。
It is October. It is, however, still warm.
時間都已經來都十月了,天氣卻還是很溫暖。She is normally wearing jeans by this time of year. She is still in shorts, however.
通常到了一年這個時候她會穿牛仔褲,但她現在還在穿短褲。I can’t, however, agree with your opinion.
另外,however 其實也可以放在一個句子的尾巴,前面需加一個逗點,語氣和剛才提到的用法一樣會稍微比較薄弱喔!
Swimming in the summer is fun. You must remember to use sunscreen, however.
在夏天游泳很好玩,但是你一定要記得塗防曬油。I can’t make it to the wedding. My girlfriend will be attending, however.
She has two dogs. However, her husband prefers cats.
She has two dogs. Her husband, however, prefers cats.
She has two dogs. Her husband prefers cats, however.
2. however 表示「不管多…、無論如何」
however 的第二個常見的意思就是「不管怎麼樣」或「無論如何」
You can do it however you like.
你可以按照任何你想要的方式做它。Decorate the room however you want.
however 後面也可以接形容詞。
However long the night, the dawn will break.
不管夜有多長,黎明總會破曉。You won’t be able to answer that question however smart you are.
最後,however 後面也可以接副詞。
However fast he swims, he can’t catch up with his opponent.
無論他游泳再怎麼快,也追不上他的競爭對手。However well you behave, I don’t think your mother will forgive you.
That’s All for Today
however 兩種不同的用法其實差異滿明顯的,除了意義上,就是標點符號的差別,不過仍然需多練習,別將兩者搞混了。
👉「nevertheless」的正確用法是?跟 nonetheless 差在哪?
👉「yet」正確用法是? 一次搞懂 yet 的 5 種用法!(含例句)