Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來說明「期待」的英文~
嘿!你可以先思考一下,「我很期待…」該怎麼用英文說呢?受到中文的影響,這句話很容易會被翻譯錯或不到位。所以,今天就要來跟你講解如何正確地使用 look forward to、expect 以及 anticipate 這三個跟期待、預期有關的字詞喔!
1. look forward to 盼望、期望、期待
英文定義:to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
look forward to 是表示你期待某件事未來會發生,並且是對此感到熱衷的。
forward 的意思為向前地,所以 look forward to 的意象就是往前看,就像在引頸期盼。
look forward to 常會搭配進行式使用,另外要特別留意這裡的 to 為介系詞,後面須加上名詞喔。
- look forward to + N/Ving
I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
我很期待再次見到你。The students are looking forward to the summer vacation.
那些學生期待著要放暑假。The man isn’t looking forward to the upcoming new year.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
我很期待你的回覆。I look forward to hearing from you.
2. expect 預期、預料
英文定義:to think or believe something will happen, or someone will arrive
expect 是指你預期某件事將會發生,並且在心裡相信著(但不一定會帶著盼望的心情)。
字首 ex 表示「向外」,而 pect 來自 spect,有「看」之意。其名詞為 expectation。
- expect + N
- expect (that) + S + V
- expect (someone/something) + to V
Jessica expected nothing on her birthday, but her colleagues held a party for her.
潔西卡對於她的生日沒什麼期待,但她的同事們幫她舉辦了一個派對。Samantha expects that her boyfriend will propose to her tonight.
莎曼莎預期她男友今晚將會向她求婚。I expected the meeting to finish before noon, but it ended at 3 pm. 🙄
我預期今天的會議會在中午前開完,但是到了下午三點才結束。What a coincidence! I didn’t expect to see you here in America.
你可能也在 ✈️ 飛機上聽過這段廣播:
This is your captain speaking. We expect to be landing in Osaka in about twenty minutes.
3. anticipate 預期、預料
英文定義:to imagine or expect that something will happen
anticipate 表示你預期某件事很有可能會發生,並會做好相關準備以迎接那件事的到來。anticipate 在多數時候可以和 expect 通用,但 anticipate 心理預期事情會發生的程度會比 expect 多一點。
anti 為「在…之前」(before),cip 為「拿取」(take),ate 為動詞字尾。其名詞為 anticipation。
留意一下 anticipate 和 expect 的用法不同,後面不會加 to V,而是加上動名詞 (Ving) 喔。
- anticipate + N/Ving
- anticipate (that) + S + V
The surgery took much longer than the doctor had anticipated.
這個手術比那位醫生預期花了更多時間。I anticipate getting a pay raise this year. 🤑
我預期今年會得到加薪。We didn’t anticipate that the team would win the championship.
That’s All for Today
以上的講解希望你都理解了,以後說「很期待…」就會知道要用 “look forward to N/Ving” 了!
👉別再說「Where are you come from?」了!來看看 22 個大家最常犯的中式英文錯誤!