Hi, everyone~ 歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Gloria~ 😉
今天要跟大家聊的是 small talk 英文尬聊術!😎 關於英文的 small talk,其實就是一種閒聊和寒暄,通常在聚會、派對或是工作場合上和一些比較不熟的人聊天時,就很需要 small talk 的技巧。比如說,當你參加了某個朋友舉辦的派對,要跟不認識的人破冰社交。或是上班的時候,在公司茶水間遇到不熟的外籍同事,該怎麼跟對方開啟話題呢?🤔
今天這篇文章就要帶大家來看最實用的 small talk 句型還有英文對話的範例,讓你不再害怕跟陌生人用英文寒暄,很快就能找到跟人閒聊的靈感喔~🤩
1. 如何開啟 small talk?
首先,開啟 small talk 的話題和時機都很重要,也很需要視當下的情況來決定要和對方講什麼,接下來就幫大家列出適合用在不同情境的 small talk 句型啦~😊
- Hi, how are you? I am ______. What’s your name?
嗨,你好,我是 _______。請問你叫什麼名字? - How shall I call you?
我該怎麼稱呼你呢? - May I have your name?
我可以知道你的名字嗎? - Glad to meet you.
A: Hi, how are you? I am Kevin. What’s your name?
嗨,你好,我是 Kevin。你的名字是?B: Hey, I’m Samantha. You can also call me Sam.
嘿,我是 Samantha。你也可以叫我 SamA: Oh, Sam. Glad to meet you here.
哦,Sam。很高興能在這裡認識你B: Glad to meet you too.
- Nice weather, isn’t it?
今天的天氣真不錯,對吧? - It is so hot / cold outside!
外面超級熱 / 冷的啦! - The forecast said it would be rainy this weekend.
天氣預報說這個週末會下雨 - Haven’t seen a sunny day like this for a while, right?
A: It is pouring outside! Did you get wet?
外面雨下超級大!你有淋濕嗎? 😮B: Just a little. It’s okay.
一點點而已,還好啦A: Hope that the rain will stop very soon.
真希望雨很快就會停B: Yeah, it has been raining for two days! I’ve had it enough.
對啊,已經下了兩天的雨了,我受夠了A: Right, nobody likes that. Take good care of yourself.
- How’s everything? / How’s it going? / How are things?
最近還好嗎? - How was your weekend / flight / meeting?
你的週末 / 班機 / 會議還好嗎? - How was the ball game / movie? Was it fun?
那場球賽 / 電影怎麼樣?好看嗎? - How was your trip to _____?
你去 _____ 玩得怎麼樣?
A: Hey, how was your long weekend? Did you go anywhere?
嘿,你的連假過得怎麼樣?有去哪玩嗎?B: Oh, I visited my friends in the south, and we went to a beautiful beach.
哦,我去找我南部的朋友,然後我們去了一個很美的海灘A: Sounds wonderful!
聽起來很讚耶!B: How about you? Did anything fun?
你呢?有做些好玩的事嗎?A: Just stayed home with my family, but doing nothing is better than working.
就跟我家人待在家,但是什麼都沒做都比工作好啊B: Yeah, that’s so true! 😂
- It’s been a long time!
好久不見! - I haven’t seen you for a long time.
我好久沒看到你了 - How have you been? / How’s life?
最近好嗎? - What have you been up to?
最近都在忙什麼? - It’s so nice to see you here.
A: Hey, Emily! I haven’t seen you for years!
嘿,Emily!我好幾年沒看到你了!B: Wow, Jasmine! Didn’t expect to see you here!
哇,Jasmine,沒想到會在這裡遇到你!A: How have you been? Is everything alright?
你最近怎麼樣?一切都好嗎?B: Not too bad. How about you?
還可以啊,你呢?A: Same old. We should hang out more often!
👉🏻讚美對方的外表 / 穿搭
- Nice bag. Where did you get it?
你的包包很好看,你在哪裡買的? - I like your shoes / watch / earrings.
我很喜歡你的鞋子 / 手錶 / 耳環 - Did you change your hair color? It looks so amazing.
你有換髮色嗎?看起來超棒 - Did you have your hair cut? You look great.
你剪頭髮了嗎?很好看 😍
A: Your shoes look great. Where did you get it?
你的鞋子很好看耶,你在哪裡買的?B: Oh, thanks. I bought them online. I love the color and the design.
哦,謝謝,我在網路上買的,我很喜歡它的顏色跟設計A: You really have a good taste.
你的品味真的很棒耶B: Thanks. I like your watch too.
2. 打開更多話題
當你順利和對方聊起來之後,接下來,就好好把握這個時機來開啟更多話題吧!🙌🏻 第二步的重點在於透過提問找到「對方有興趣的點」或「彼此共同的話題」,讓雙方都能將談話延續。
By the way~ 偷偷告訴你一個小技巧,就是多問「開放性的問題」,而不是答案只有 Yes 或 No 的問題,這樣就有機會能讓對方聊更多啦!😄 不過,當對方提問時,也記得要掌握好分寸,small talk 的魅力在於「精簡有趣、點到為止」,閒聊本身的內容並不是太重要,只是讓相處氣氛更舒服的方式。如果當下的話題不適合再多聊,就趕快換個主題吧!😇
- How did you know about this event?
你是怎麼知道有這個活動的? - Why do you want to attend this event?
- Where are you from?
你是哪裡人? - Where did you grow up?
你在哪裡長大? - Where did you live before coming to Taiwan?
- What is the best restaurant / coffee shop around here?
這附近最棒的餐廳 / 咖啡店是哪一間? - Why do you like Japanese food?
- Have you seen any good movies lately?
你最近有看什麼不錯的電影嗎? - What are your plans for this weekend?
- How often do you travel?
你常去旅行嗎? - Where is the last place you traveled to?
💡 如果不知道聊些什麼,多聊一些和生活、飲食、旅遊等相關的話題就不會錯啦!😎
3. 適時結束話題,禮貌收場
- It’s time for me to go now. / I have to get going.
我必須先離開了 - It’s been great talking to you.
跟你聊天很愉快 - I’ll talk to you later.
晚點聊(其實這是要撤退的說法,並不是真的要晚點再聊喔~😜) - It was my pleasure meeting you.
A: I’d love to continue talking, but I probably have to go now.
我很想再繼續聊,但我可能得先走了B: Oh, okay. No problem.
哦,好,沒問題A: Anyway, it was nice talking to you.
總之,很開心能跟你聊天B: Nice chatting with you, too.
And That’s a Wrap!
好啦~以上就是今天的分享!是不是學到很多實用的句型呢?希望這篇文章能讓你更掌握到和人用英文 small talk 的訣竅,以後如果遇到需要社交破冰的情況,就不要再害羞啦~大膽出擊吧!😎
「好久不見」7種英文說法!除了 Long Time No See, 還可以用什麼?
如果之後還想學更多英文小知識,別忘了常回來英文庫逛逛唷~我們還有更多有趣的文章等你來挖寶!😍 那我們就下次見囉~See you!