「so as to」的正確用法是?跟 in order to 差在哪?

You are currently viewing 「so as to」的正確用法是?跟 in order to 差在哪?

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來介紹 so as to 的用法唷~

在進入教學前,這裡先讓你來小試身手一下,現在試著閱讀以下的例句,看你能不能猜出 so as to 的意思呢?

Eddie drank some coffee so as to keep himself awake.

The student studied very hard so as to enter a good college.

💡 答案很明顯對吧!我想你應該十之八九猜出來 so as to 要表示的就是想要達到後面的目的,所以翻譯起來會是「為了…」。


Eddie drank some coffee so as to keep himself awake.
Eddie 喝了一些咖啡以便讓自己保持清醒。

The student studied very hard so as to enter a good college.

很好 👍,你現在已經掌握了 so as to 的意思,接下來就來看看更多關於 so as to 的用法細節吧!


so as to 的用法與例句

so as to 的中文意思為「為了、以便」,後面會加上原形動詞,表示要去達成某個目的。
so as to 只會放在句中,且通常前面是不會加上逗號的唷。

Peter goes jogging every morning so as to stay healthy.
Peter 每天早上會去慢跑以保持身體健康。

Sharon found several part-time jobs so as to save more money.
Sharon 為了要存更多錢而找了好幾份兼差。

Many customers lined up outside the Apple Store so as to get the newest iPhone on its first day of sale.
很多顧客為了能拿到最新的 iPhone 而在開賣第一天到蘋果商店外面排隊。

看完例句之後,我們可以簡單歸納這個句型是 👉 做某件事+so as to+達到某個目的

如果要表示「為了不要…、以免…」,會用「so as not to…」來表示,to 後面一樣是加上原形動詞就好囉。



Susan avoids sweets and fried food so as not to get fat.
Susan 不吃甜點和炸物以免變胖。

He didn’t tell her the truth so as not to hurt her feelings.

Amanda set ten alarms so as not to oversleep.
為了不要睡過頭,Amanda 設了十個鬧鐘。

so as to 和 in order to 一樣嗎?

so as to 和 in order to 的意思可以說是一樣的,不過 so as to 及 in order to 會比單用 to 來得更正式一點(to 最常用也最口語),而 so as to 相較 in order to 會比較常用於書面。

Peter goes jogging every morning so as to stay healthy.
= Peter goes jogging every morning in order to stay healthy.

Sharon found several part-time jobs so as to save more money.
= Sharon found several part-time jobs in order to save more money.

如果是否定用法,也同樣會把 not 放在 to 前面,變成「in order not to…」,例如:

Susan avoids sweets and fried food so as not to get fat.
= Susan avoids sweets and fried food in order not to get fat.

He didn’t tell her the truth so as not to hurt her feelings.
= He didn’t tell her the truth in order not to hurt her feelings.

而  in order to 與 so as to 最主要的不同就是 in order to 可以放在句首,但是 so as to 不行放句首唷,否定用法也是如此~


In order to stay healthy, Peter goes jogging every morning. ⭕️

So as to stay healthy, Peter goes jogging every morning. ❌

Peter 每天早上去慢跑以保持身體健康。

In order to enjoy my vacation, I need to stay away from work, physically and mentally. ⭕️

So as to enjoy my vacation, I need to stay away from work, physically and mentally. ❌


That’s All for Today

恭喜你看完這篇文章了!🥳 so as to 的用法還算挺好掌握的對吧!

現在這邊想邀請你來完成這個句子:I learn English so as to _____________.
思考一下你學習英文的目的是什麼呢?🤔 是以下這些選項,還是有其他目的呢?

    • get a good job(獲得好工作)
    • communicate with foreigners(和外國人溝通)
    • pass the exam(通過考試)
    • get a foreign boyfriend/girlfriend(交外國男友/女友)
    • travel around the world(環遊世界)

總之,不管你學英文的目的是什麼,記住自己的目標並努力去達成吧 💪,英文庫也會在這裡陪著你一起成長的!🤗

👉 so… that 跟 such… that 差在哪?
👉「as for」正確用法是?跟 as to 差在哪?
👉「as」正確用法是?來搞懂 as 的6大用法!(含例句)

今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉


Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️