For instance、Such as、Like 正確用法是?來搞懂!

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Hi, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Gloria~🙌🏻

今天要帶大家了解 for instance / such as / like 的正確用法!
接著,就讓我們一次搞懂 for instance / such as / like 的所有用法吧!Let’s go~ 😎


For instance 用法

for instance 是指「舉例來說、例如」,instance 是「實例、例子」的意思。
通常用來舉出同類事物中的「一個完整的例子」,並用此例來解釋或支持說話者的論點,此時放句首使用。for instance 和 for example 的意思相同,可以互相替換。

My students are very smart. For instance, Bella has an IQ of over 140.
每個學生都很不一樣。舉例來說,Bella 的智商超過 140

John has a lot of talent for music. For instance, he learned to play the violin by himself.
John 很有音樂天賦。舉例來說,他自學如何拉小提琴

There are many things I need to do after work. For instance, I need to cook.

而如果是用「同一個句子」直接作為例子來解釋時,for instance 可以放在句首句中句尾使用。
⚠️ 必須注意的是,for instance 放在句中時,是當「插入語」使用,前面和後面都必須加上「逗號」。


👉 放句首:For instance, an orientation is the first thing to do before you start the work.

👉 放句中:An orientation, for instance, is the first thing to do before you start the work.

👉 放句末:An orientation is the first thing to do before you start the work, for instance.

Such as 用法

such as 是「例如、像是」的意思,通常用來舉出同類事物中的「單一或多個例子」。

如果只有單指一個例子,且如果拿掉例子會影響句意時,such as 前面不用加逗號:

Fruits such as pineapples are good for digestion.

Cartoon characters such as SpongeBob SquarePants are still very popular now.

Animals such as penguins and polar bears don’t live in tropical area.

但如果是指一個以上的例子時,如果將例子拿掉不影響句意,則 such as 前面必須加上「逗號」:

In this area, you can see many animals, such as zebras, giraffes, and elephants.

Ray is a fan of classic rock bands, such as The Beatles, Eagles, and Aerosmith.
Ray 是經典搖滾樂團的粉絲,像披頭四、老鷹合唱團和史密斯飛船

Grace has travelled to many English-speaking countries, such as Canada and the UK.
Grace 去過很多英語系國家旅遊,像是加拿大和英國

以用法上來說,such as 是比較正式的,在寫作上很常用。
相較之下,like 則是比較常在口語中聽到,屬於非正式的用法。


Diana has been to many countries, such as Japan, Sweden, and Australia.
= Diana has been to many countries, like Japan, Sweden, and Australia.
Diana 曾去過很多國家,像是日本、瑞典和澳洲

Try to avoid unhealthy food such as fried chicken and chips.
= Try to avoid unhealthy food like fried chicken and chips.

This shop offers a wide range of coffees, such as latte, espresso, and cappuccino.
= This shop offers a wide range of coffees, like latte, espresso, and cappuccino.

⚠️ 還有一點要注意的是,如果用 such as 來舉例時,只能舉出部分的例子。因為在語意上,不適合將所有的例子舉出。

⭕️ Irene can speak many languages, such as Chinese and French.
Irene 會說很多種語言,例如:中文和法文

❌ Irene can speak many languages, such as Chinese, English, Japanese and French.
Irene 會說很多種語言,例如:中文、英文、日文和法文

💡 如果想要將例子全部列出的話,建議改用 namely 或 (即是、也就是說) 來表達更多的細節,而不是用「例如」去把所有細節都講出來,語意上會顯得太過突兀

Irene can speak four languages, namely Chinese, English, Japanese and French.
Irene 會說四種語言,也就是中文、英文、日文和法文

最後再補充一下~such as 還有個特別的用法!😎
當用來舉例時,可以在 such 和 as 之間放入例子,此時 such as 不能跟 like 互換使用。

She likes to collect such books as fictions and picture books.

My dad collects many such antiques as old paintings and porcelain vases.

The disease mainly attacks such demographics as infants and the elderly.

Like 用法

like 指「像是、例如」的意思,也能用來舉出同類事物中的「單一或多個例子」,在口語上很常見。
like 跟 such as 很類似,但 like 屬於非正式用法。如果是正式論文寫作或是官方文件應避免使用!☝🏻

I prefer soft drinks like tea and juice.

Animals like koalas and kangaroos are very common in Australia.

My mom planted many types of flowers in the garden, like roses and tulips.

That’s All for Today!

以上就是今天的分享~希望能讓大家更認識 for instance / such as / like 的用法!

👉「例如、舉例來說」英文怎麼說? for example? for instance?

那我們就下次見囉~See you! 😉


我是一位喜歡到處冒險的英文老師~✌🏻 我相信學習是一場沒有終點的旅行,我也相信夢想不會虧待每個認真對待它的人!希望每一位來到這裡的朋友,都能找到實用的資訊,幫助你成為更好的自己!✨😎