「因此」的英文 “Therefore” 的正確用法是?(含例句)

You are currently viewing 「因此」的英文 “Therefore” 的正確用法是?(含例句)

Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來看 therefore 這個字

如果要用英文表達「因此」,大多數人第一個會想到的字應該就是 therefore 吧,它的確是一個寫作時很常用的字。法國哲學家笛卡爾的名言「我思故我在」,英文翻譯即為  “I think; therefore I am.”。

不過這個看似容易的字,也是有些小細節要注意喔,往下看看例句中怎麼用 therefore 吧!


therefore 的用法及例句

therefore 是副詞 (adv.),表示「因此、所以」,功能是承接互為因果關係的句子,依照邏輯即為:原因+therefore+結果

以下三種使用 therefore 的用法,要仔細看例句喔~

1️⃣ 將因果獨立成兩個句子(使用句號

It was raining heavily. Therefore, the baseball game was put off.
(原因)                                                         (結果)

2️⃣ 用分號來連接因果兩句

Peter didn’t finish his homework; therefore, he was punished.

3️⃣ 用 and 來連接因果兩句

Lucia worked very hard, and therefore got the chance of promotion.
( *前後句的主詞相同,所以後半句的主詞通常會省略)

以上就是 therefore 主要的用法,此外,因為副詞的位置比較彈性,所以 therefore 也可以放入結果句的句中作為插入語,這樣的寫法也算滿常見的。


我們接著就來看看,如果以上方的例句作為範例,therefore 的句子可以長怎樣:

  1. Lucia worked very hard, and therefore got the chance of promotion.
  2. Lucia worked very hard. Therefore, she got the chance of promotion.
  3. Lucia worked very hard; therefore, she got the chance of promotion.
  4. Lucia worked very hard, and she therefore got the chance of promotion. (插入語)
  5. Lucia worked very hard. She therefore got the chance of promotion. (插入語)
  6. Lucia worked very hard. She, therefore, got the chance of promotion. (插入語)

Lucia worked very hard, therefore she got the chance of promotion. ❌(therefore 為副詞,不能直接連接句子,要改成第 2.3 句的標點才對)


  1. It was raining heavily. Therefore, the baseball game was put off.
  2. It was raining heavily; therefore, the baseball game was put off.
  3. It was raining heavily, and therefore the baseball game was put off.
  4. It was raining heavily. The baseball game, therefore, was put off. (插入語)
  5. It was raining heavily. The baseball game was therefore put off. (插入語)


⚠️ 以下的的幾點要留意一下:

注意 ①therefore 為轉折詞 (transition word),必須在有明確因果關係時才能使用,不能單獨用 therefore 來呈現結果。

注意 ②therefore 不是連接詞,所以沒有連接句子的功能,如果要將因果句合為一句話,必須使用分號,或是加上連接詞 and

注意 ③:therefore 放句首或分號後面時,通常需要在其後加上「逗號」,再接句子。

📖 therefore 為正式的用字,較常使用於書面,口語中通常會使用 so 來表達因果關係。(這個概念還滿類似說中文時,口語會用「所以」而不是「因此」,這樣應該就很容易理解了吧~)

It’s cold outside, so you should wear a jacket.

I have a fever, so I cannot go to work today.

📖 與 therefore 一樣是副詞的同義字詞還有:thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result, as a consequence

That’s All for Today

其實用對 therefore 一點也不難,掌握了正確用法後,下次試著運用在你的英文作文幫你的文章加分吧!😉

👉【因此/所以 英文】So、Therefore、Thus、Hence 用法上差在哪?(含例句)



Hello! :) 是一個心思細膩、喜歡嘗試不同事物的英文老師,覺得英文可以讓你的世界更廣大,希望能幫助你學英文,讓生命更美好!❤️