Hi, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Gloria~☀️
基本上,「因此、所以」的英文可以說:so / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / as a consequence / as a result。這些字都可以用來指「因此、所以」的意思,不過,實際上的用法和意思還是有些不同之處。
接下來,就讓我帶你們繼續來了解「因此、所以」的英文吧!Let’s go~ 😎
因此、所以的英文是 so,是生活中最常見的說法。
當 so 用於寫作時會放在句子裡,通常會在前面加上逗號,用來連接兩個「完整的句子」。
It was raining heavily outside, so we stayed at home.
那時外面雨下得很大,所以我們待在家Bill was very sick last night, so he didn’t come to the office today.
Bill 昨晚很不舒服,所以他今天沒進辦公室She missed the train, so she was late this morning.
💡你覺得 because 跟 so 可以放在同一句裡面嗎?來看看這篇文章了解吧~
👉🏻【因為 英文】because 跟 because of 的用法、差別!
因此、所以的英文也可以說 therefore。通常會放在句子的句首,後面接逗號。
那如果想把 therefore 放在兩個句子之間時,則有兩種用法:一種是在 therefore前面加上「, and 」,後面用逗號隔開句子,另一種則是在前面加上分號「 ; 」,後面用逗號隔開句子。
Ben didn’t study very hard. Therefore, he failed the final exam.
Ben didn’t study very hard, and therefore, he failed the final exam.
Ben didn’t study very hard; therefore, he failed the final exam.Ben 沒有很認真唸書,因此他這次期末考不及格
👉🏻如果還想了解更多關於 therefore 的用法,也推薦你來看看這篇文章哦~🤩
因此、所以的英文也可以用 thus 來表示。
相較於 so 來說,thus 是比較正式的字,較常出現於寫作,通常會放在句首,並在後面接逗號,也可以放在兩個句子之間。
The typhoon caused a serious flood. Thus, many activities were cancelled.
The typhoon caused a serious flood, and thus, many activities were cancelled.
The typhoon caused a serious flood; thus, many activities were cancelled.這次颱風造成了嚴重的水災,因此,很多活動都被取消了
延伸閱讀:還想學學更多的 thus 用法嗎?快來看看這篇文章吧~🤓
因此、所以的英文也可以用 hence。
和前面介紹的單字一樣,hence 可以放在一個句子的句首,或是兩個句子之間的位置。不過,不一樣的是,hence 後面的逗號可以省略。
It hasn’t been raining for a while. Hence(,) some cities may face water rationing.
It hasn’t been raining for a while, and hence(,) some cities may face water rationing.
It hasn’t been raining for a while; hence(,) some cities may face water rationing.已經有好一陣子沒下雨了,因此,有些城市可能面臨限水措施
此外,hence 後面除了可以接一個完整的句子以外,也可以接名詞或是名詞片語。
She just got a great deal of money from her parents, hence the new house.
她才剛從父母那邊得到一大筆錢,所以買了新車Healthy eating is good for your body, hence the importance of a balanced diet.
as a result
因此、所以的英文也可以用 as a result,可以放在句首,後面接一個完整的句子。或者,也可以放在兩個句子之間。
Jeffery made a mistake during an important meeting. As a result, he lost his job.
Jeffery made a mistake during an important meeting, and as a result, he lost his job.
Jeffery made a mistake during an important meeting; as a result, he lost his job.Jeffery 在一場重大的會議中犯了錯,因此,他失去了工作
因此、所以的英文也可以用 consequently 來表達,一樣能放在句首、兩個句子之間的位置。consequence 指的是「結果、後果」的意思,而 consequently 是副詞,用來表示某件事的結果。
而 consequently 和下面要介紹的 as a consequence 也是一樣的意思和用法,都能用來說明某件事的結果。(😉小聲說:這兩個用法在寫作上比較常看到,如果其他的字已經用過了,也可以試著換這些單字來表達,可以讓你的寫作更加分哦!😇)
Power lines were damaged by an accident. Consequently, we had a blackout for hours.
Power lines were damaged by an accident, and consequently, we had a blackout for hours.
Power lines were damaged by an accident; consequently, we had a blackout for hours.電線因一場意外受損,因此我們停了好幾個小時的電
As a consequence
因此、所以的英文也可以說:as a consequence。這個用法跟前面的 consequently 很相似,都是用來表示某件事的結果,較常使用於寫作。
The fire was burning more and more strongly. As a consequence, they were told to evacuate.
The fire was burning more and more strongly, and as a consequence, they were told to evacuate.
The fire was burning more and more strongly; as a consequence, they were told to evacuate.這場大火實在太過猛烈,因此他們被要求撤離
And That’s a Wrap!
好啦~以上就是今天的分享!是不是又學到很多好用的英文單字呢? 😉
如果之後還想學更多英文小知識,歡迎常回來英文庫逛逛~我們還有更多實用的文章等你來學習喔!那我們就下次見啦~See you! 😎