嗨大家好,我是英文庫的Lois😎 今天要和你們介紹的是 unless 的用法~
unless 的中文解釋就是「除非」,不過由於中文和英文的邏輯不太一樣,如果直接把中文的思維套用在 unless 的用法上直翻,很容易會出錯🤭 以下我們就來徹底理解 unless 的規則,搞懂它的用法吧!
Unless 的用法
Unless 的中文意思就是「除非…否則…」或「如果不…就…」
You will catch a cold unless you put on a jacket.
=You will catch a cold if you don’t put on a jacket.
你如果不穿上外套,就會感冒。She won’t listen to you unless you apologize first.
=She won’t listen to you if you don’t apologize first.
除非你先道歉,否則她不會聽你說話。Unless we start studying now, there’s no way we can pass the exam tomorrow.
=If we don’t start studying now, there’s no way we can pass the exam tomorrow.
⚠️Unless 後面一定是肯定句,否則會出現「雙重否定」的問題。
Unless 是 「從屬連接詞」。由「從屬連接詞」引導的副詞子句用來修飾前面的「主要子句」,本身不能單獨成句,一定要和主要子句一起出現,因此副詞子句和主要子句之間有「從屬關係」。
👉🏼簡單來說,Unless 後面的副詞子句皆不可獨立成句👈🏼
You will catch a cold unless you put on a jacket.
主要子句: You will catch a cold.
副詞子句:Unless you put on a jacket (不可獨立成句)
Unless 的時態
Unless 其實可以看成 “If not“,所以 unless 後面接的副詞子句會和「假設語氣/條件句」的時態變化一致。
先來看看Unless的「現在式」。由 unless 引導的條件句必須以「現在式代替未來式」。所以,unless後的副詞子句即使是在描述未來的事,也不能加will喔❌ 只有主要子句可以加will!來看看對、錯例句的比較:
Unless the weather gets better, the soccer game will be cancelled. ⭕️
Unless the weather will get better, the soccer game will be cancelled. ❌
除非天氣變好,否則這場足球賽將被取消。Unless we come up with a better plan, they will work with another company. ⭕️
Unless we will come up with a better plan, they will work with another company. ❌
再來看看Unless的「過去式」。由 unless 引導的副詞子句如果是過去式,主要子句的動詞就要用 would + V 👩🏻🏫
I wouldn’t finish that soup unless I were really hungry.
除非我很餓,否則我不會喝完那碗湯。Unless he missed his flight, he would be here by now
最後,來學學Unless的「過去完成式」。由 unless 引導的副詞子句如果是過去完成式(had + p.p.),主要子句的動詞就要用 would have + p.p 💁🏻♀️
Her father would not have signed the paper unless he had been advised otherwise.
除非有人給他別的建議,否則她父親不會簽下那份文件。I wouldn’t have called you unless I had had no choice.
雖然如上述說明, unless 的用法幾乎等於if not,但有一個例外!那就是 unless 不能出現在疑問句中🚫 這時候,就只能用 if not 來寫疑問句。看看例句:
What will you do if you don’t get the loan? ⭕️
What will you do unless you get the loan? ❌
如果你的貸款沒有核可,你該怎麼辦?If I don’t get the loan, I will give up on my business plan.⭕️
=Unless I get the loan, I will give up on my business plan.⭕️
And that’s a wrap!
今天的文章就到這裡啦,unless you can’t get enough and want more 😉 其實呢,學好英文沒有捷徑,就是多看、多聽、多寫、多開口練習,就會越來越進步囉!All jokes aside, 如果你喜歡英文庫的文章,歡迎你常常回來逛逛,我們隨時都會更新更多實用的英文文章喔😍 期待下次再見👋