「Either.. or..」正確用法是?來看例句!

You are currently viewing 「Either.. or..」正確用法是?來看例句!

Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,在英文的世界裡碰到兩個人、事、物要取其一的時候,一定會使用到 “either … or” 這個文法,今天就來讓我們一探究竟,看看它到底該如何被正確應用在句子裡吧! 😎


Either.. or.. 的用法

either A or B 作為對等連接詞,表示「不是 A 就是 B」,也就是二擇一,兩個取一個。

記得,句中前後的 A 和 B 兩個項目在文法上必須對等,如果 A 是名詞,B 也必須是名詞;如果 A 是子句,B 也必須是子句,依此類推。

She works remotely either from a coffee shop or from home.

Either you get out of my house now or I call the security guards.

Terry will buy either some bananas or some oranges.

此外,若 either A or B 所引導的主詞為名詞時,動詞必須隨 or 之後的 B 做單複數變化。

Either you or Jason has to finish the report before 6 o’clock.
不是你就是傑森得在六點前完成報告。(動詞需配合後者主詞 Jason)

Either Jenny or the girls are going to prepare lunch tonight.
今晚不是珍妮就是這些女生們要準備午餐。(動詞需配合後者主詞 the girls)

在否定句中,not … either A or B 則表示「A 或 B 都不行」。

He doesn’t want either a car or a house.

She isn’t going to either talk on the phone or write an email.

當然,not … either A or B 也可以以 neither A nor B(不是 A 也不是 B)替代。

Susan doesn’t like either John or Peter.
= Susan likes neither John nor Peter.

其實,neither … nor 與 either … or 的用法真的有幾分相似,如果你很疑惑到底該如何使用,可以參考以下這篇文章喔!


👉「neither.. nor..」的正確用法是?跟 either or 差在哪?

小試身手 Exercise

看了這麼多實際的句型範例之後,當然要換你親自練習一下,趕快來看看你是不是都學會了吧!以下每題皆列出兩個獨立的句子,請將 either … or … 套入,變成一個完整的句子。

舉例:She didn’t find the keys on the mat. She didn’t find the keys under the mat.
答案:She didn’t find the keys either on or under the mat.

  1. When I go to the restaurant, I eat potato salad. When I go to the restaurant, I eat grilled chicken. These are my favorite meals.
  2. He may attend the meeting. Or his colleague may attend the meeting.
  3. You can stay. Or you can leave.
  4. Either John or you _____(have/has) to fix the computer.
  5. Either Peter or Jennifer ____(isn’t/aren’t) going to the party.


解答 Answers

  1. When I go to the restaurant, I eat either potato salad or grilled chicken. These are my favorite meals.
  2. Either he or his colleague may attend the meeting.
  3. You can either stay or leave.
  4. Either John or you have to fix the computer.
  5. Either Peter or Jennifer isn’t going to the party.

That’s All for Today

看完這篇文章以後,相信你更了解 either … or … 要如何使用了,在英文文法中,它的用法經常拿來與 neither … nor …(既不也不)作比較,建議這兩者都要一起弄清楚喔! 😉


👉 「neither.. nor..」的正確用法是?跟 either or 差在哪?
👉 「either」和「neither」正確用法是?來看例句搞懂!


Hey there! 我是 Cecilia,綽號烏龜妹,曾任英文老師與顧問,經營個人品牌《烏龜妹,出走旅行 TurtleGirl's Travel》。內心住著無法停下腳步流浪的靈魂,擁有小王子愛上玫瑰的任性,戒不掉整天在文字和藝術間徘徊的壞習慣。讓我們一起學英文,打開世界這本沒有疆域的書。💗