Hello, guy! 歡迎來到英文庫,我是強相 👋,今天要跟大家分享 in particular 的用法。
相信大家對 particular 這個字不陌生,不管是在日常對話或書面用語,都滿常見的,但 in particular 就不太一樣了,這個片語該怎麼正確使用呢?在使用上又和 particular 有什麼差異要留意呢?Without further ado,我們一起往下看吧!
in particular 的意思和用法
in particular 是由介系詞 in 和名詞 particular 組合而成的介系詞片語(prepositional phrase),在用法上可具有連接性副詞和形容詞的功能。
1. 表示「尤其、特別是」
如果放句首,in particular 就是紮紮實實的連接性副詞,簡言之,即作為轉折語,更具體說明前面說過的事。另外,記得 in particular 後面要加個逗點唷!一起看看例句吧~☺️
Brian and Olivia like outdoor activities. In particular, they love hiking and going to the beach.
Brian 和 Olivia 喜歡戶外活動,尤其他們熱愛爬山和去海邊。There are so many excellent street food choices in this night market. In particular, you should try the oyster omelet and stinky tofu.
The weather was terrible this week, on Thursday in particular.
這週的天氣很糟,尤其是星期四。All fruits are healthy. I like mangoes and apples in particular.
I think there’s one person in particular that can help you.
我想有那麼一個人可以幫到你喔。You have really beautiful eyes. The left one in particular is a great eye.
2. 表示「特別的、具體的」
當表示「特別的、具體的」時,詞性為形容詞,用法相對單純,基本上只能放在不定代名詞後面,做後位修飾,以下先彙整出 in particular 常搭配的不定代名詞,再一起看例句~
- something/ somebody/ someone/ somewhere
- nothing/ nobody/ no one/ nowhere
- any/ anything/ anybody/ anyone/ anywhere
Is there something in particular you wish to see?
有沒有什麼特別是你想看的?I was lying on the beach, thinking of nothing in particular and only looking at people around me.
我躺在沙灘上,沒想什麼特別的,就看看周圍的人。Is there anything in particular I could do for you?
💬 小補充:有些教材上將 in particular 歸為副詞片語,在句子裡只能當副詞,但這並不全然正確喔,以上的用法讓我們看到實際上 in particular 還能有形容詞的功能,所以屬於介系詞片語唷~
in particular 跟 particular 一樣嗎?
particular 可當形容詞,其中一個中文意思是「特定的、具體的」,和 in particular 當做形容詞功能的意思一樣,然而,用法上卻截然不同。在這情況下, particular 只能置於名詞前面,與 in particular 置於不定代名詞後面顯然不太一樣呢!
There’s one particular movie I’d like to see.
有一部特定的電影我想看。Fred won’t take just any book – he wants to have this particular one.
Fred 不是什麼書都買——他要買這一本!
另外,particular 當形容詞時,還有另一個意思為「講究的、挑惕的」,在這情況下,particular 要放在 be 動詞後面,之後介系詞可以接 about,看看以下例句~
Jenny is on a diet. She’s very particular about what she eats.
Jenny 在減肥,她對於吃什麼非常挑惕。Some people are very particular about how they squeeze toothpaste out of the tube, but I am not.
有些人很講究牙膏要怎麼擠,但我不會。She’s very particular about what pictures she posts on social media.
particular 也可以當名詞,中文意思為「個人資料、具體資訊」,這個用法相當正式,通常會使用複數型態 particulars。
When you go to the clinic, a front desk representative will ask you for your particulars.
你去診所時,櫃檯人員會詢問你的個人資料。Please fill this personal particulars form, and then come back to me.
請把這張個人資料表填寫完,再回來找我。The police took down all the particulars of the car accident.
小試身手 ✏️
有了以上知識,為自己小小測驗一下,空格選填 in particular 或 particular,加深學習記憶~
1️⃣ Is there any movie ______ you want to see?
Is there any movie in particular you want to see?
有沒有哪部特定的電影是你想看的?➡️ any 是不定代名詞,因此後面要用 in particular
2️⃣ Yes, there is one ______ movie I would really want to see.
Yes, there is one particular movie I would really want to see.
有,有一部特定的電影是我真的很想看的。➡️ movie 是名詞,置於名詞之前要用 particular
That’s All for Today
太棒了,你又學習完一篇超級實用的英文用法了,而且這個字講出口真的是相當有氣勢呢!以後你可以多多嘗試把 in particular 放句首或句尾等不同位置使用,增加自己熟練度。另外,不定代名詞 something、anything、nothing… + in particular 也超實用的啦!熟成生巧,下次你就能自信地使用出來啦!
👉 英文的片語(phrases)是什麼?來一次搞懂!
👉 「介系詞片語」是什麼?如何使用?(含例句)
👉 英文的「形容詞片語」是什麼?如何正確使用?
👉 「figure out」意思是?和 find out 的差別是?
👉 「break down」意思是?來看 break down的五種用法!