Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,每當農曆新年一到,就代表除舊迎新的時候到了,此時會和家人齊聚一堂一同吃團圓飯,還會奉行不少傳統習俗,像是貼春聯、大掃除、拿紅包、拜年、守歲和拜訪親友等等,到底這些活動和各式新年吉祥話的英文要怎麼說呢?今天就來好好學一學,在未來向外國朋友大力介紹一番吧! 😉
春節可以直接翻譯成 Spring Festival,用在句子裡時,記得前面都會加冠詞 the。就許多人對於春節的認知,會認為 Chinese New Year 也是春節,但除了中國以外,還有不少國家也會予以慶祝,因此正確的說法應該是 Lunar New Year,連說得一口流利中文的臉書創辦人薩克伯 (Mark Zuckerberg) 在 2015 年錄製影片向網友祝賀時,說的也是 「Happy Lunar New Year!(春節快樂)」喔!
Lunar New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. It generally falls on a day between January 21st and February 20th on the solar calendar. This week long public holiday is the most important celebration for Chinese families.
The main Lunar New Year activities include putting up decorations, eating reunion dinner with family, setting off firecrackers and fireworks, and giving red envelopes and other gifts.
過年前要除舊佈新的大掃除有不少說法,可以以名詞 spring cleaning 配合動詞 do 表達,spring 是春天的意思,cleaning 則來自動詞打掃 clean,因此就是春節大掃除。
The Lunar New Year is around the corner, so it’s time to do some spring cleaning.
另外,以 clean the house 表示也可以,一般若是要強調是春節大掃除,只要在後面加上 for the Lunar New Year 就可以嘍!
I clean my house for the Lunar New Year to welcome good fortune every year.
過年時一家聚在一塊,絕對少不了一桌桌的團圓飯,在英文裡,團聚會用名詞 reunion 表示,而團圓飯會在晚上和家人享用,因此吃團圓飯可以說成 enjoy a reunion dinner。
I always enjoy the reunion dinner with my family because it only happens once a year.
小時候最期待的時刻就是新年一到要拿紅包,但等到長大了才知道發紅包有多麼逼人 😂,紅包的英文和信封有關係,你可以很容易把它聯想成是紅色的信封,也就是 red envelope,或者,也可以用 red packet 與 red pocket 表示,packet 的意思是「小包裝」,而 pocket 指的則是「袋子、口袋」。
那麼,如果要加上動作,比如領紅包或發紅包呢?領等同於收的意思,可以用 receive,也就是 receive red envelopes,而發紅包可以想像是給出去,因此是 give red envelopes。
I only received 2 red envelopes last year. I hope I will receive more this year. :’ (
我去年只收到兩個紅包,希望今年可以好運旺旺來拿到更多。She hopes she won’t meet any of her relatives during the Lunar New Year, or else she’ll have to give red envelopes.
小朋友拿到紅包最開心的莫過於等於這一年有壓歲錢了,而壓歲錢可以說是帶來幸運的錢,因此在英文當中很妙地將它翻為 lucky money,是不是非常好記呀?至於大人們就別羨慕了,只能靠自己的雙手創造 lucky money。😂
Red envelopes filled with lucky money are traditional gifts for children during the Lunar New Year.
守歲講白話一點就是要熬夜,以迎接新的一年的到來,所以英文就是 stay up late,是不是很容易想像呢? 不過,看起來現代人天天都在守歲就是了啦!😂
On New Year’s Eve each year, many people stay up late to usher out the old year and welcome in the new one.
過年的第四天到第七天,就準備要拜託親威朋友,不僅會送上賀禮,也會敘敘舊。relatives 指的是親威,拜訪親威朋友就是 visit friends and relatives。
When I visit my friends and relatives, I always bring some New Year gifts for them.
每到過年,家家戶戶除了忙著打握之外,還要忙著貼春聯沾沾喜氣。在英文裡,我們用 couplet 來表示對句,尤其是長度相同,韻腳也相同的句子,此時加上了 spring 就成了春聯,而貼上春聯的動作,可以用 put up 或 hang up 表示,因此貼春聯就是 put up spring couplets 或 hang up spring couplets。
I put up spring couplets on my main door every year.
放鞭炮 / 放煙火的英文
只要鞭炮聲一響,或是煙火一放,你就能感受到滿滿的過年氣氛,鞭炮和煙火都和火這個字有關,因此字源都有 fire,鞭炮是 firecrackers,煙火則是 fireworks,兩者一般都會用複數表達,而放的動作,同樣都能以 set off 這個動詞片語表示,所以,放鞭炮是 set off firecrackers,放煙火是 set off fireworks。
When I was a kid, the most interesting thing to do during Lunar New Year is to set off firecrackers.
每年春節一到,總少不了說幾句吉祥話恭賀身旁的家人朋友,像是年年有餘、步步高升等等,已經是經典中的經典,但該如何用英文表達呢?以下就列出代表性的祝賀用語喔! 😉
① 年年有餘
May there be bounty every year.
② 恭喜發財
I wish you prosperity and wealth!
③ 財源廣進
May wealth come generously to you.
④ 心想事成
May all your wishes come true.
⑤ 五福臨門
May fortune come to your door.
⑥ 萬事如意
May everything go as you hope.
⑦ 歲歲平安
I wish you everlasting peace year after year.
⑧ 大吉大利
I wish you great fortune and great favour!
⑨ 迎春納福
May you welcome happiness with the spring.
⑩ 步步高升
May you be promoted to higher and higher positions.
⑪ 永保安康
May you enjoy eternal peace and good health.
⑫ 生意興隆
May your business is booming.
⑬ 恭賀新禧
I wish you best wishes for a happy new year.
⑭ 吉星高照
I wish you good luck in the year ahead!
⑮ 新的一年,新的開始
I wish you new year, new beginning.
- 日期隨農曆變動,但一般落在陽曆的一月二十一日至二月二十日之間 The dates vary according to the lunar calendar, but generally fall on days between January 21st and February 20th on the solar calendar
- 大掃除 doing spring cleaning / cleaning the house
- 貼春聯 putting up spring couplets
- 發紅包與送禮 giving red envelopes and other gifts
- 吃團圓飯 enjoying a reunion dinner
- 守歲 staying up late
- 紅包 red envelopes / red packets / red pockets
- 壓歲錢 lucky money
- 發紅包 / 領紅包 giving red envelopes / receiving red envelopes
- 放鞭炮和煙火 setting off firecrackers and fireworks
- 拜訪親威朋友 visiting relatives and friends
- 向祖先供奉祭品 offering sacrifices to ancestors
- 春節快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!
That’s All for Today
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