Hi, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Gloria~✌️
你想用英文聊跨年,但又不知道要怎麼開口嗎?趕快往下看就對了~Let’s go! 👇
關於跨年的英文,口語上最常說 celebrate New Year’s,意思是「慶祝新年」,特別指 12月31日晚上的跨年夜慶祝活動。celebrate 在這裡當動詞,指「慶祝」的意思。
Are you going to celebrate New Year’s this year?
你今年要去跨年嗎?I am going to celebrate New Year’s with my high school friends.
我要跟高中好友一起跨年They celebrated New Year’s with a feast and a bottle of champagne.
他們用豐盛的大餐和香檳迎接跨年A big fireworks show is one of the most popular ways to celebrate New Year’s.
跨年的英文還有個常見的說法是 ring in the New Year,也是特別指「12月31日午夜跨年」的時候。
ring in 在這裡有「迎接」的意思。這個用法帶有傳統的歷史意義,呼應古代用鐘聲迎接新年的習俗。
How will you ring in the New Year?
你會如何慶祝跨年?In some cultures, bells serve as an important symbol to ring in the New Year.
另外,還可以搭配疑問詞 What, Where, How 來開啟不同的話題,跟朋友大聊他的跨年行程唷~👇
What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?
你跨年夜想做什麼?What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
你跨年夜的計劃是什麼?Where are you going to celebrate New Year’s Eve?
你要去哪裡慶祝跨年夜?How are you going to celebrate New Year’s Eve?
👉【假期英文】連假、年假、補休、特休、無薪假 等英文怎麼說?(含例句)
倒數的英文是 countdown。跨年倒數的英文可以說:New Year countdown
Tens of thousands of people gathered to wait for the countdown.
成千上萬的人們聚集並等待倒數We sang together and had a countdown to start the New Year.
我們一起唱歌、倒數,開啟了嶄新的一年If you are in Taipei, don’t miss out on the New Year countdown at Taipei 101.
如果你在台北,別錯過了台北 101 的跨年倒數Revelers filled Times Square to watch the New Year countdown in New York.
另外,口語上也很常說 go to the countdown 來表示「參加倒數活動」:
I will go to the countdown with my best friend tonight.
我今晚會和我最好的朋友去參加倒數活動We went to the countdown at Taipei City Hall last night.
那如果想說「跨年倒數活動」相關的英文,只要在 countdown 後面加上相對應的單字就可以囉~👇
- countdown event 跨年倒數活動
- countdown concert 跨年倒數演唱會
- countdown party 跨年倒數派對
- countdown fireworks show 跨年煙火秀
The Taiwanese pop band Mayday has held countdown concerts for many years.
台灣流行樂團五月天已經舉辦了很多年的跨年演唱會They drank and watched a live broadcast during the countdown party last night.
他們昨晚在跨年派對上喝酒、看電視直播Cities around the world celebrated the New Year with amazing countdown events.
世界各地的城市以精彩的跨年活動慶祝新的一年People are looking forward to the upcoming countdown fireworks show.
煙火的英文是 firework,如果是在公開場合施放的大型煙火,常用複數 fireworks。
而煙火秀的英文則可以說 a firework show / a firework display,或是 a fireworks show / a fireworks display
A crowd gathered along the river to watch the fireworks.
群眾聚集在河邊觀賞煙火As the clock strikes midnight, splendid fireworks will light up the sky over the river.
當午夜鐘聲響起,絢爛的煙火將在河的上方照亮夜空We really enjoyed the fireworks show last night.
我們非常享受昨晚的煙火秀A spectacular fireworks display erupted over the London Eye to celebrate the New Year.
那如果要說「放煙火」的話,則可以搭配片語:set off / let off the fireworks。
They are going to set off fireworks after the barbecue party.
他們要在烤肉派對之後放煙火Be careful when you let off the fireworks or you may get burned.
That’s All for Today!
喜歡跨年活動的朋友,有空就開始規劃你的跨年行程吧~🤩 🥳
那我們就下次見囉~See you! 😉