Hi everyone! 我是英文庫的Ashley 👩💻,今天要帶大家應付英文逗號的使用!
接著就來看看英文逗號有什麼十八般武藝(放心,我們只分成九項),來見識它的厲害,here we go!
The movie had ended, but he did not want to leave. ⭕️
The movie had ended,but he did not want to leave. ❌ (令人很有壓迫感)
The movie had ended , but he did not want to leave. ❌ (太多空白了)
1. 逗號用來分隔「獨立子句」
常見的子句會靠著各式的「對等連接詞」(例如 and, but, yet, so, or)現身 ,這時逗點就必須放在連接詞的前面,以便和主句有所區別。
The celebrity does not want to be recognized, so he always wears sunglasses in public.
那位明星不想在公眾場合被認出來,所以他總是戴著太陽眼鏡。I must leave the house now, or I can’t catch the last MRT.
我必須現在出家門,要不然我搭不到末班捷運。Elena is an amazing writer, but she’s an even better teacher.
⚠️ 注意囉,以上的例子都可以拆成兩個單獨的句子,如果連接詞只是結合兩個詞或非獨立子句的話,就不需要逗號了!
My sister, and I share the same room. ❌
My sister and I share the same room. ⭕️
2. 逗號用在「引介片語、子句」後
引介片語或句子(introductory phrase/clause)就宛如舞台的音樂和背景,在主角出現前先營造氣氛,順便提供背景資訊。逗號則是一聲鳴笛或是燈光的改變,提醒觀眾「嘿!鋪成的句子到此為止,主句(角)要現身了」。
📌 先幫大家預習,引介子句通常以副詞 after, although, before, if, since, when, to…做 開頭,所以看到他們就可以準備迎接逗號的出場。
When I arrive at the cafe, I will call you!
等我到咖啡廳的時候,我會打給你!After the competition ended, Ray went out to celebrate with his friends.
在比賽結束後,雷和他的朋友們出去慶功。To remove the stain on her shirt, Hannah applied bleach to the spot.
📌 另外,除了片語或較長的句型外,也有幾個介紹性、轉折語氣的單字及片語,例如 however, therefore, furthermore, on the other hand, in conclusion 等,也會需要逗號尾隨在後。
However, the results of the experiment were inconclusive.
但是,實驗的結果尚未定論。In addition, your hard work will be rewarded.
3. 逗號列舉三個以上的項目
Martha has lived in Tokyo, Toronto, and Taipei.
瑪莎住過東京、多倫多、台北。➡Tokyo, Toronto, Taipei皆是地點。
The new intern is dedicated, sociable, and ambitious.
新來的實習生很投入、善於社交、且志向遠大。➡ dedicated, sociable, ambitious 皆是(正面)形容詞
到底 and 之前要不要加上逗點呢?有讀過「and」正確用法是?的同學知道九成的情況取決於個人的習慣!除非遇到容易搞混的句子,只要在💡同一篇文章內,維持一致性,大致就沒問題了。
4. 逗號放在「非限定關係子句」前後
Lenny put the flowers into the ceramic vase, which was a gift from his aunt.
藍尼把花放進姑姑送給他的陶瓷花瓶裡。The journalist, whom I admire greatly, has won the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.
我很欣賞的記者得到了2021的諾貝爾和平獎。Tom’s Bistro, which the tour guide recommended, is a cheap but wonderful restaurant.
導遊推薦的Tom’s Bistro是間便宜卻出色的餐館。
5. 標註「同位語」的逗號
同位語和上個用法很像,目的也添加額外的資訊,只差它不需要關係代名詞(which, who, whose…)的協助就可以成立。來看例句吧~
His favorite movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, is playing at the local cinema this Saturday.
這個星期六,當地的戲院會播放他最喜歡的電影《美國隊長:酷寒戰士》。Mrs. Chen, an expert in modern art, took us on a museum tour.
⚠️ 疑,使用同位語有省略逗號的時候嗎?答案是有的!如果使用的第一個名詞很含糊,就需要第二組名詞來釐清句子的含義,這時同位語是必須品而非協助的道具(像限定句!)。我們搭配例句解釋:
My friend Jeremy is a clerk at the bank. ⭕️
My friend, Jeremy, is a clerk at the bank. ❌
我的朋友傑洛米是個銀行職員。➡ 因為你有很多個朋友(希望啦),所以 “Jeremy”是必要的資訊。
The famous British writer C.S. Lewis had fought in the First World War. ⭕️
The famous British writer, C.S. Lewis, had fought in the First World War. ❌
有名的英國作家C.S. Lewis曾經參與第一次世界大戰。➡ 只寫 “famous British writer” 會搞不清是哪個。
6. 逗號配合引句使用
“I need a break,” my colleague said.
我的同事說:「我需要休息片刻。」The detective asked, “Where were you between nine to eleven last night?”
📌 注意到了嗎?如果引句➡️敘述句,逗號要放引號內;敘述句➡️引句,逗號則是引號外。有關引號和標點符號更詳細的解說在這裡~英文的「單引號、雙引號」正確用法是?
7. 錯開「同等形容詞」的逗號
What a thoughtful, useful gift!
多麼設想周到、實用的禮物!➡ 也可以寫成 What a useful, thoughtful gift!
They walked down the long, dark, narrow alley.
他們走進一條又長又窄又暗的巷子。➡ long, dark, narrow 通通形容 alley,且順序調換,意思不變。
We adopted two adorable cats. ⭕️
We adopted two, adorable cats. ❌
我們領養了兩隻可愛的貓咪。➡ two 形容的不只是 “cats” 而是 “adorable cats”,所以他們是不同等形容詞。
想想看,我們不會說 “adorable, two cats”,更不會說 “two and adorable cats”!
8. 日期、地址、數字中的逗號
Her niece was born on May 1, 2020.
她的姪女出生於 2020 年的五月一號。➡ 如果是遵照月/日/年的格式,日和年間需加上逗號。
A pilot makes approximately USD 86,000 a year.
機師的年薪大約 86,000 美元。➡ 為了讀起來方便,固定三位一節劃位。
Joe currently lives on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. 🇺🇸
喬目前住在華盛頓特區的賓夕法尼亞大道。(就是白宮!)➡ 寫地址時,會用逗號分開街道/城市/國家。
9. 其他的逗號用法
Dad, can you help me find my earphones?
➡ 叫名、稱呼。
I don’t have to go to the conference with you, do I?
我不需要跟你一起去參加會議,對吧?➡ 加在反問句之前,表示語氣轉變。
小試身手 ✍️
講了那麼多,換你試試吧! 在適當的位置加上逗號 😎
1. Patients are required to bring their ID card personal medication and insurance information.
👉 Patients are required to bring their ID card, personal medication, and insurance information.
👉 Patients are required to bring their ID card, personal medication and insurance information.
2. When she left college she got a job in a publishing company.
👉 When she left college, she got a job in a publishing company.
3. Neil Armstrong the first man on the Moon was born in Ohio USA.
👉 Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, was born in Ohio, USA.
4. Evan did not revise for the rules of comma and earned a low score on the grammar test.
👉 Evan did not revise for the rules of comma and earned a low score on the grammar test.
(你沒看錯,這是陷阱題!因為 “earned a low score….” 沒有主詞所以不是獨立子句)
5. At the start of the game the score is always tied.
👉 At the start of the game, the score is always tied.
That’s all for today!
自己老實講,經過這番磨練後,逗號在你心裡有沒有更高的地位呢 😅?無論你的看法如何,以後看到逗號就可以停下來思考它的目的和用途,不僅可以訓練判斷能力,還能加深印象喔。
以後還有什麼英文問題,都歡迎你來英文庫尋找解答~See you all next time 👀!