Hello there! 歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Irene ☺️
今天要來分享「處理」的英文用法!相信大家每天都有大小事要處理,像是處理日常瑣事、工作任務或是人際關係等等 (人生好辛苦 😅)但是這些處理的英文要怎麼說呢?一起來看看 handle, deal with 和 cope with 的用法吧~
Handle 作為動詞「處理」的意思時,指的是處理自己需要負責的事情。像是要應對工作上各種狀況,管理人事物都可以使用handle。
I am not sure if I can handle this case. I have too much work.
我不確定能不能處理這個案子,手上太多工作要做了 😫He does not know how to handle difficult clients.
當你覺得信心滿滿,相信自己能搞定,可以說 I can handle it 💪🏻 和 I can do it 有類似的意義。
A: Do you want me to come with you? That guy looks creepy.
B: Thanks, but I think I can handle it.
相反地,當情況超出能力範圍,無法負荷時,就可以說 I can’t handle it 或是 I can’t handle 某事 😥
I can’t handle the stress of supporting the whole family on my own.
我無法承受獨自養全家人的壓力。He can’t handle the criticism from family and friends.
Deal with
Deal with 也有「處理、對付」的意思。
Deal with 處理的狀況通常沒有 handle 困難,而且解決後就好了,不是長期存在的問題 😁 分成後面接「事物」,和接「人」的兩種用法。
Deal with 事物:為了完成具體事情,或是解決抽象問題,而採取行動。
This program is designed to deal with the problem.
這個程式是設計來解決問題的。How do you deal with conflicts?
Deal with 人:應付、對付某人,進行交涉,和人打交道。
Although he dislikes these people, he still deals with them with politeness and respect.
雖然他不喜歡這些人,他還是以禮待人、尊重對方。As a kindergarten teacher, she has to deal with parents all the time.
Cope with
Cope with 也有「處理」的意思。大多表示能夠成功克服困難的處境,把事情處理得妥妥貼貼 🙌🏻 ✨
The counsellor helps him cope with the grief of losing his son.
輔導員協助他成功度過喪子之痛。I have been coping with diabetes for 20 years.
我已經控制住糖尿病20年了。How do you cope with the changes so well? I miss the good old days.
你怎麼適應這些新變化,適應得這麼好呀?嗚嗚我想念以前的美好時光 😭
And That’s A Wrap!
以上是關於「處理」的用法~希望大家能更了解如何搭配不同的「處理」動詞,來處理各個情境喔!在處理生活大小事時,也不妨練習怎麼用英文說喔 (加油 💪🏻)
👉🏻「認為」英文是什麼?think? consider? regard?
👉🏻「錄取」英文是什麼?admit? accept?
👉🏻「整理」英文怎麼說? sort?organize?
👉🏻「認識某人」英文該用哪個字? know? meet? acquainted?familiar with?
記得下次有英文疑問要回來英文庫喔!我們有更多有趣文章等你來看~until next time 😆