Hello, everyone! 我是英文庫的 Celine 🙂,今天要來帶大家認識 within 的用法~
不囉唆,直接進正題吧!within 的核心概念為「在…之內」,可以用來描述某段時間或空間之內,也可以運用在抽象的範圍之內,由於 within 的用途太廣泛了,以下會分成六個部分來講解,我在每個部分也會提一提能不能跟 in 互換!Here we go!
1. 用於「時間」
within 後面加上一段時間,會用來表示「在某段時間之內」,這時候是作為介系詞的用法:
I’ll be back within twenty minutes.
我會在二十分鐘內回來。You will receive the package within a week.
你會在一星期之內收到這個包裹。These instant noodles should be consumed within six months.
⚠️ 要留意 within 後面要加上的是「一段時間」,不會加上一個精準的時間點喔,像是 within 11 o’clock ❌、within October 10th ❌,這要改成 by/before 11 o’clock ⭕️、by/before October 10th ⭕️ 才對。
另外,within 用於時間時,是可以代換為 in 的,例如:
I’ll be back within twenty minutes.
I’ll be back in twenty minutes.
不過呢,因為「in+時間」還可能表示另一個意思,所以建議你用 within 來表達「在某段時間之內」比較不會造成誤解唷。
如果想更了解 in 搭配時間的用法,歡迎來看看這篇文章:
👉【時間介系詞】In, On, 還是 At? 時間/日期/月份介系詞整理!
2. 用於「距離」
within 後面加上一段距離,會用來表示「在某段距離之內」,這時候也是作為介系詞的用法,但這裡的 within 不能用 in 替換唷:
The movie theater is within 800 meters of my house.
那間電影院距離我家只有八百公尺以內。The city center is within an hour’s drive.
開車到市中心一小時內可以到。The new shopping mall is within walking distance of my house.
那間新的購物商場從我家走路就可以到。(在步行距離內)➡ 除了 walking distance,也可以代換成 within driving/commuting distance(在開車/通勤距離內)
I think every proper, decent, civilized house should have a pub within 5-10 minutes walk.
此外,within 還可以用在分數或票數上,表示「差距內」,例句如下:
The Boston Red Sox came within two points of the Los Angeles Angels.
波士頓紅襪隊差了洛杉磯天使隊兩分。Our team came within one point of winning the game.
3. 用於「空間」
within 後面加上一個空間或地方,會用來表示「在某個空間之內」,此時也是作為介系詞的用法:
Eating is not permitted within this area.
這個區域內禁止吃東西。I’m somewhere within the VIP lounge of the airport.
用於空間時,within 和 in 可以互相替換,不過 within 會比較帶有「在一個界線範圍內」的感覺,而 in 比較是表示「在一個空間內」。這可能需要一點想像力輔助,不過不需要太過糾結差異唷:
Eating is not permitted within this area.
Eating is not permitted in this area.
4. 用於「組織」
within 後面可以加上一群人的組織,會用來表示「在某個群體之內」,像是 society(社會)、company(公司)、department(部門)等,例如:
There is disagreement within the company over the next president.
within 這時候也是作為介系詞的用法,可以代換為 in,可是 within 會更有「以內」的感覺:
Most people are aged 35 to 50 within this organization.
Most people are aged 35 to 50 in this organization.
這個組織大部分的人年紀為三十五歲至五十歲。Please keep the secret within the organization.(較佳)
Please keep the secret in the organization
5. 用於「心理層面」
within 也能用在心裡層面,後面常會搭配 me 或 myself 這類的代名詞,表示「在某人的內心裡」,作為介系詞用,這裡的 within 也能代換為 in,但是用 within 聽起來會比較文雅一點(可以裝一下文青 😆):
The answer lies within herself.
答案就在她心中。You can find inner peace within yourself through meditation.
你可以透過冥想來找到內心的平靜。I could feel the love deep within your soul.
6. 作為「副詞」
within 除了以上介紹的介系詞用法,還可作副詞來用,概念同樣是「在裡面」,但不可以代換成 in。
另外,常會看到 from within (從內在、從內部)的組合,可以指心裡面,也可以是組織或空間的內部。
She tried to look happy, but she was actually upset within.
她試圖讓自己看起來很開心,但實際上她心裡面是很沮喪的。Did you hear some strange sounds come from within?
你們有聽到什麼怪聲從裡面發出來嗎?My life mentor told me that I should find happiness from within.
我的人生導師告訴我快樂是要到內在去找尋的。Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.
沒有什麼能黯淡你內在發出的光芒。A man who lies to himself has an enemy living within.
補充:within 常見的片語
除了以上的用法,within 還常常用於片語中,像是法規、金錢、能力等抽象事物或範圍,概念一樣是「在…之內」,以下列出一些常見的片語給你參考囉:
📌 within reach
within reach 會用來表示「容易取得的;容易到達的」,中間加上 easy 可以用來表示更容易到達,例如:
I like to keep my notebook within my reach.
我喜歡把我的筆記本放在隨手可得的地方。This hotel is located within easy reach of the metro station.
這間飯店離捷運站很近。(很容易到達)Imagine what we can do — what’s within our reach if we modernize those highways.
📌 within sight
within sight 表示「在視線範圍內」,簡單來說就是看得到的意思啦~:
The boy was so hungry that he ate all the food within sight.
那個男孩餓到把所有視線內的食物都吃光了。The resort is located within sight of the ocean.
另一方面,within sight 還可以表示「某件事看得到終點」:
I wonder when the end of the pandemic will be within sight.
我想知道這場大規模流行疾病何時才會結束。After decades of effort, he was within sight of his dream.
📌 within limits
within limits 從字面上看應該滿好理解的,就是指「在限制之內」,也就是要有節制、在適度範圍之下的意思:
I will try to help you as much as I can within limits.
我會在適度的範圍內盡力幫助你。I don’t mind if you have a barbecue here, but please try to keep your voices within limits.
📌 within the law
within the law 表示在法律範圍內,所以就是指「合法的」 :
The man claimed that what he had done was within the law.
📌 within one’s rights
within one’s rights 表示「在某人的權利範圍內」,rights 記得要用複數唷:
You are within your rights to file a lawsuit.
📌 within budget
within budget 表示「在預算範圍內」,字面上很好理解對吧:
He managed to hold the event within budget.
📌 within one’s profession
within one’s profession 表示「在某人的職業圈子內」,可以說就是「在業內」的意思唷:
Arthur is a carpenter who is highly respected within his profession.
Arther 在業內是一位很受到尊崇的木匠。
📌 within reason
within reason 表示「在合理範圍內」,這裡的 reason 記得要用單數唷:
You can do anything you want within reason.
📌 within one’s grasp
within one’s grasp 表示「某件事將快要達成了」,這裡的 grasp 是指「用手抓住」,所以就是快抓到…了:
Hang in there! Victory is almost within our grasp.
📌 within one’s memory / within living memory
within one’s/living memory 指的是「在某人/眾人現今的記憶中」:
There hasn’t been any snow in this area within living memory.
That’s All for Today
唷乎!終於結束今天 within 的學習之旅啦 🥳,想必你應該是收穫滿滿,是不是沒想到 within 的用法竟然有這麼多呀,而且實體和抽象概念都能適用呢!下次試著在口說或寫作實際練習使用看看吧!
👉【地方介系詞】In, On, At?地點要用哪個?
👉【時間介系詞】In, On, 還是 At? 時間/日期/月份介系詞整理!
👉 英文介系詞(preposition)是什麼?有哪些?怎麼用?
今天就分享到這兒,記得下次遇到任何英文疑問時,要回來英文庫學習喔!See you next time! 😉